8: Cupcakes

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"So, do you have a recipe, or did you just memorize it?" Chaewon asked Minju, getting out cupcake tins and large bowls. 

"The recipe is up in here" Minju tapped her head. Her parents had taught her the recipe years ago. Pretty simple, but it remained superior. 

"Good. Okay, just tell me what I need to do first"

"Well, it's pretty simple. Let's get the dry ingredients" Minju ordered.

Whie Minju and Chaewon put together the recipe, Minju's thoughts wandered.

At first, Minju had been hesitant about letting Chaewon help her. After all, it was her recipe. But she realized, that if she wanted them done faster, it would be better to have another set of hands. And Chaewon had made a good point - it would have been pretty lonely all by herself.

And, she also had something she wanted to ask her. But not right now...

"Okay, mix them" Minju said. Chaewon mixed the dry ingredients, while Minju got the wet ingredients ready. 

"The only thing that would make this better would be if we had those little chef hats. The poofy ones" Minju muttered.

Chaewon laughed. "That would be hilarious. I don't know if those hats are really my style, though"

"Too late" Minju said. She peeked her head out of the kitchen "Wonyoung!"

"What?" Wonyoung called back from the living room.

"Nothing, nevermind!" Chaewon called out.


Inside, Chaewon and Minju burst into giggles. 

"We should really get back to the cupcakes" Chaewon pointed out after a minute or so.

"Yeah, we need to work on the wet ingredients now." 

They got to work. Cracked eggs, melted butter, and, you know, whatever you do to make wet ingredients in a cupcake.

"Okay, now, make a little well in the dry ingredients. Then pour the wet ingredients in. Then mix"

Soon, the batter was ready. They poured it in the tins and put it in the oven.

Minju insisted they have frosting, so Chaewon found a frosting mix, and to add a little spice, added some strawberry flavoring.

"The only thing superior to Strawberry and chocolate is Mint Chocolate" 

"You like Mint Chocolate?"

"You don't?"

"No, it tastes like toothpaste"


They sat while waiting for the cupcakes to finish baking so they could frost them and sprinkle on some sprinkles.

Now's your chance, Minju Minju thought.

"Um, Chaewon, can I ask you something?"

"What?" Chaewon asked. 

"So, you're probably under the impression that you got invited because my friends feel sorry for you"

"Yeah, no offense"

"None taken. Anyway, we've been hanging out at lunch and all, and..." Minju gulped. this had seemed so easy in her head. "I know you already have friends, but... would you mind adding me to that list? Because I want to be friends"

Chaewon smiled "I do too"

Minju sighed with relief. She was worried Chaewon wouldn't have given her the answer she wanted. She smiled. "Friends?"


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