5: Arrival

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"Okay, but I didn't think that was going to work!" Sakura said with relief. 

"Sakura, you've read Guide to subtly getting invited Over fifteen thousand times! How would it not work?" Yena sighed. 

"Unimportant, Unimportant" Sakura dismissed her. "Okay, we need to focus on one person each. Since Chaewon is the lead, she'll take care of Minju. Since I've been in the spy business the longest out of all of us, I'll take on Chaeyeon, since she seems the most suspicious. And Yujin, since Wonyoung invited you, you should probably keep an eye on her." Sakura turned to Yena "That leaves 3 people. We'll just have to generally supervise two of them as a group - Yena, take your pick. Who are you going to take?"

"I'll take Yuri" Yena said, without even thinking about it "Nako and Hitomi seem nice, but they also seem pretty easy."

"Then it's settled" Sakura said "Here goes nothing"


Chaewon was the third one there, after Wonyoung and Yujin, obviously. Their agency had been careful to send them all at different times, so it didn't look suspicious. And since Chaewon was the lead, it had been the best decision to let her come first. Sakura would come next, and then Yena would come. 

"How are you guys doing?" She asked, dialing up the friendliness again. 

"Good!" Wonyoung smiled. "This is the quiet part. But just you wait"

"I am fully prepared." 

The door opened, and it was Minju. Inwardly, Chaewon breathed a sigh of relief. The mission was to protect Minju. Any time she was out of her reach was dangerous. But now, they were back in reach. 

"What's for dinner?" Minju asked. 

"There's some homemade pizza in the fridge"

Minju gasped.

"What's so important?" Yujin asked, confused.

"Wonyoung's dad makes the best homemade pizza ever" Minju sighed, grinning. "You're going to love it"

"Whoa, whoa, don't set her standards so high" Wonyoung laughed "It is really good though"

Slowly, the people began filing in. And, before Chaewon knew it, everyone was there. 

"What should we do?" Nako questioned.

"This is always a barrier we reach in this thing" Minju whispered to Chaewon "Nobody can decide what to do. You'd think after having this tradition for so many years, we'd know what to do, but nope"

Chaewon giggled, then abruptly stopped. Since when did she giggle?

"We should play a game, or something" Yuri suggested.

"Do you guys like Mafia?" Sakura asked. 

Chaewon perked up. She loved playing Mafia with her crew. It was mostly for career reasons rather than enjoyment, but it was still fun.

"Ooh yeah!" Wonyoung said "We should do that! Chaeyeon should be the MC"

"That's good!" Nako said.

"Okay guys, heads down" Chaeyeon said. 

"We're just going to do Mafia and Nurse. Nice and simple, okay?"

"Okay" The group said.

"Okay, I'm going to choose the Mafia"

Chaewon felt a tap on her back.

She was the Mafia.

Game on. 

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