28: Anger and Betrayal

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What is Chaewon doing in my room?

Minju should have been nervous, after all, her crush was right there. 

But all she felt was shock and anger.

"What are you doing?" Minju asked.


"That's what I thought" Minju said. "Were you trying to steal my stuff?"


"That's exactly what someone who was trying to steal my stuff would say"

"I swear, Minju, I would never try to steal anything"

"Then explain why you were digging through my closet!"

"I'm sorry, I can't do that" 

"Then why should I trust you? Were we even ever really friends?"

"Of course we are!"

"Real friends don't... do this!"

This was only the second time that Minju saw Chaewon cry. So much had changed since that sleepover. This time, she didn't particularly feel like being comforting.

"Leave. Now"

Chaewon sighed, defeated. She stood up, and headed for the door. Right before she left, she turned to Minju, and said "Just so you know, I was just trying to protect you"

This sentence sent questions tumbling into Minju's brain, but she remained angry.


Chaewon left. A few seconds later, Minju heard the front door close.

Minju just stood there for a second, surprised by her own anger.

Then a voice behind her said "Well she didn't do a very good job, did she?"

Minju spun around in surprise-

And everything went black.


When Minju woke up, she was tied to a chair. 

The room she was in was dark and dusty. She could make out figures on the other side of the room, but she couldn't see their faces

"What am I doing here?" She demanded. 

"That's really none of your business, sweetie" A threatening voice said.

Minju was scared out of her mind, but tried to keep her focus.

What would Chaewon do? In the dire situation, Minju completely forgot about being mad. 

"Considering I'm the one being tied to a chair, I really think it is" 

"Very funny" the same voice said. "I'd stop talking if I were you"

"Well, you're not me, so I don't see how you would know" Minju knew she was being risky, but if she let them think she was confident, maybe they'd be scared to hurt her.  

"Let me rephrase that - if you don't shut your mouth, I'll do it for you" 

"I don't think so" A voice called from 

Minju almost sighed with relief. She was being saved!

But by who? Some law enforcement angent or something? Was she really worth all that?

Minju turned around, and gasped.

Because her savior was none other than Kim Chaewon.

A/N: I know, I know, another short chapter, but hopefully the drama makes up for it. Honestly, these next few chapters are the chapters I've been writing in my head since I started writing this so I'm really excited to start writing! Hopefully that means I stop procrastinating! Whoo hoo!

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