21: My weakness

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MinjuAngel 👼🏻
Hey, Chae, you wanna come
over? Maybe sleep over?

Chaewonnnnnn 🧚🏻‍♀️

But don't call me Chae, 
you're going to confuse me
with Chaeyeon lol

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
lol ok

I'm going to have to
find a better nickname
 for you

Chaewonnnnnn 🧚🏻‍♀️
Please don't




"We should probably say something other than hi"


The girls laughed away the awkwardness and went inside. 

"Do you want to do, like, a fashion show?"

Chaewon considered. It could be fun... and thanks to training, she was ready for combat in any outfit. "Why can't you be pretty while fighting someone?" Her trainer had said. 

"Sure!" Chaewon said.

They opened Minju's closest to find clothes galore. 

They started scrolling through clothes, choosing the ones they liked, only pausing to say "Is yellow a good color on me?" or "Hmm, is this dress too long?" 

"Okay, you stay here, I'll get some stuff ready so we can model" Minju smirked "Just wait a sec"

And she left Chaewon alone to her thoughts. 

This was bad.

Really bad. 

She had thought she was Minju's friend before, but now she just kept falling deeper and deeper, almost forgetting her mission, forgetting about the protection, just thinking about Minju, for Minju. Wanting to hang out with Minju, not to protect her, but to be with her. 

And yes, her friends had felt that too. But what she had with Minju was deeper. Almost like it was something else, not just a friendship.

Chaewon, you're thinking weirdly now. Of course, we're friends. What else would we be?

Chaewon laid back on Minju's bed and sighed. All this time, she had been the perfect spy. An actress, a fighter, and someone who had no problem leaving her missions and the people she'd talked to. As a spy, she was always coming and going from peoples lives, trying to be memorable enough to catch their attention so she could complete the mission, but forgettable enough that she could just leave their lives without confusion. And Chaewon never formed connections with the people in her mission. Anyone could be on the wrong side, and in the spy business, forming connections gave your enemy a weapon against you. And an agent needs to have no flaws. Not a single crack in their armor. Because you're always against ruthless villains, and innocent lives are at stake. If the wrong people are even one step ahead, it's over.

And now, Minju was her weakness. The crack in the armor that she couldn't afford to have, and couldn't step out of. There was no choice. 

This was what having a real friend was like. You couldn't walk away. And now, Chaewon couldn't afford to walk away from Minju when she needed to. This had never been a problem before. Why her? Why now?

Kim Minju, what are you doing to me?

Well this was deep lol. I was just trying to figure out what to do. Hopefully the next chapter will be better lol. 

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