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BEOMGYUI stood in front of the body mirror in my room

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I stood in front of the body mirror in my room. It's been awhile since I wore my uniform. Nothing changed except for me having a broken arm and a sore leg. I stared at myself hesitating to go to school.

What if they see me as some weirdo? I could already hear the speculations about what happened to me. F*ck this is giving me a sick stomach.

"Beomgyu let's go"I heard my mom who's probably waiting for me downstairs already. I hurriedly fixed my messy tie and headed to the door asap.

"I never thought I'd see you in your uniform again but here we are!"She chuckled.

My mom escorted me to our car as I sat down on the passenger seat besides the driver. My mom kept on telling me that i'll be fine and there's is nothing to worry about. I didn't say anything and continued to fidget with my fingers whilst looking outside.

"Okay we're here sweetie Red Falcon University of the South"Mom said as she pulled the breaks parking the car in front of the campus.

Sh*t there's a lot of students. I swallowed a lump in my throat and resumed on sightseeing the school. Somethings did change in that three months of my absence. The school feels rather new.

"Ohh you're gonna do great trust me"She held my hand and gave me a reassuring hug.

goddammit Beomgyu get yourself together, you just have to pretend that nothing ever happened and it's a normal day in school. I went down the car and I can already see girls gossiping the moment I got out.

I got stares and soft giggles from the students who walk pass me. F*ck I want to die someone plant a bullet through my head already. It's too late to go home anyways since my mom left already.

Sh*t what a life.

The moment I stepped into the building it got worse. More people started to give their attention to me and exchanged gossips through whispering. I tried my best to avoid everyone until I see a familiar girl.

"Hwayoung isn't that your weird ex who picked a fight with your boyfriend?"A girl tugged on her friend's coat sleeve as they looked at me.

Our eyes locked as everything flashed through my mind. All the memories, and all the pain I suffered from my stupidity of loving a girl who wasn't over her ex. Everything in my life went on a landslide because of being clueless enough about love.

And now I'm seen as a dumb loser who's gullible and stupid for what happened.

"Just ignore him Eunjoo"She grabbed her friend's arm and pulled themselves somewhere else.

The bell rang as everyone cleared out the hallway and entered their classes. I went to my classroom and sat on my chair before my long hiatus in studying. I just have to survive a few more months before summer and after that i could enroll in a new school and start a new life.

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published : dec

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published : dec. 12 2021

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