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BEOMGYU"Wow it's crowded here tonight"Ryujin's eyes gazes the crowd — pushing and wedged together

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"Wow it's crowded here tonight"Ryujin's eyes gazes the crowd — pushing and wedged together. We somehow managed to reach an area without people. There is people. Still. It's just nothing compared to the throng back there.

The nightly ocean breeze meets our bodies as we sat on a bench viewing the peaceful waves.

Honestly. I don't know how to start a conversation here. I struggle in sparking conversations with her before. Now. It's worser. Maybe my social battery is drained. Pft. I don't want to recharge it either way. But how can I have a conversation with her without having my social battery. Beomgyu. Tf?

"One question"She puts down her iced-tea. "What career path are you pursing after Senior year?"She pinched her straw and swirled the ice around her sweetened drink.

"I don't know"—"Law sounds good but I don't think I can handle that"—"Medicine is also okay"—"But not for me"I answered truthfully. I'm not sure on what career path I'll take. If there's seniors who have their minds sorted out. I'm not.

"So you're undecided then?"I see her lips twist to a faint grin. "Have you ever thought of architecture?"She asked.

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