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"Sh*t she looks like Britney Spears"His friends fawned over the popular girls

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"Sh*t she looks like Britney Spears"His friends fawned over the popular girls.

Hair. Clothes. Make up its all on point. Whilst his friends are talking Beomgyu's silently trying to calm himself down from panicking. Who wouldn't panic if you're crush asked you out to be their date. Who wouldn't.

"You look great"Hwayoung said the moment she approached him.

"You're... nice... looking..."He blinked his eyes. His mind. Its going crazy. It's like his organs mismatched and it's causing him to go haywire.

"Thank you, your outfit really suits you"Her lips twisted to a smile.

She's going to enjoy this night. She's going to enjoy it no matter what. So what if Juwon isn't her partner. It won't stop her from partying. Beomgyu deserves a happy time. She doesn't have feelings for him romantically. Even how many times she forces herself she can't. Her heart it's molded into loving Juwon. She can't do anything to change it.

Even with a stomach twisted into knots. Beomgyu enjoyed his time. They partied. A lot. The smile on his lips is like permanently plastered forever. With simple gestures his heart goes crazy. Every time their hands touch. Every time she looks into his eyes. His whole body feels like on cloud 9.

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