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The wind run through her hair, whilst she wait for class to finish

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The wind run through her hair, whilst she wait for class to finish. Hwayoung made up her mind. She's bringing Beomgyu out to the Christmas Gala. Its already making her feel guilty. She doesn't want to play with his feelings after all the nice things he has done for her.

But if it's for her relationship. She has to. She has to do something before she loses Juwon for good. Beomgyu is her best choice. He's kind. He's understanding. He's patient. He's the rebound she chose to use. He'll understand her one day. She hopes. She knows he won't hold grudge.

"Don't forget about your group presentation on Monday, no presentation no grade copy?"Their professor turned off the projector.

She clutched onto the paper bag she brought to school. It's filled with chocolates, crisps, drinks. Whatever junk food you can think of it's in there. She knows he'll answer yes she just wanted to bring other cheats to seal the deal.

Class dismissed and straight away. She looked for him. Her eyes observed every person in the room. She's looking for a certain lad. She knew she failed to catch a sight of him when there's no one left in the room except her. Immediately, she ran to the hallway hoping to see him.

He can't be that far.

Her eyes betrayed her when she catches a glimpse of Juwon with someone else. Her heart started to mix with emotions. It's like her soul chipped away bit by bit.Her eyes gleamed with woe. Before. It was us against the world. But now. it's them and the universe. It's paining.

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