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One week laterBEOMGYUI hate math

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One week later
I hate math. It's so frustrating. It's okay to do it when you understand the formula. But how the hell can you understand it when the teacher teaches like a wannabe rap star from the 2000's.

I grabbed tissue from the dispenser and wiped my wet hands. A week passed and Ryujin is nowhere to be seen. I still didn't get to thank her & I decided to just message her even if I feel like I'm gonna piss a tank of pee.

I fished out my phone and swiped it open. I just ask how is she doing and say thanks. That's not hard. Unless I mess the f*ck up and say something dumb.

beomgyu's text bar :
Hi Ryujin, what's up? it's Beomgyu

Yes. This is going well. I moved my thumb above the send arrow. And planned to send it. Crap I think I should just text what I want to say in one message.

beomgyu's text bar :
Hi Ryujin, what's up? It's Beomgyu
I just wanted to check in and say
thank you for last time

It looks like it's lacking something. Do I put emoji's? But what if she thinks I'm a weirdo. Hell scratch that Idea.

beomgyu's text bar :
Hi Ryujin, what's up? It's Beomgyu
I just wanted to check in and say
thank you for last time... miss you

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