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BEOMGYUI got home early and immediately went straight to my room

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I got home early and immediately went straight to my room. I took a bath and did nothing else after. What else am I supposed to do anyways? I laid on my bed with thoughts lingering on my mind.

I usually daydream to escape this nightmare I'm living. It's comforting to imagine living in a world according to what I imagine it to be. Away from judgment. Just me and my mind playing with the creativity of imagination.

I shut my eyes to take a quick nap but my head talks too much. Maybe this is the effect of staying silent all day long. You end up talking to your brain instead. It took me an hour before finally drifting off to sleep. I don't care if I didn't do my assignments yet. School is practically the reason of my breakdowns.

Normally I don't dream. Yes I daydream a lot but maybe I abuse the thought of daydreaming too much I don't even dream when I'm asleep. But sh*t I was dreaming about something. Everything's black but I could hear voices. Like conversations that happened in the past.

Everything kept on replaying and replaying. The dream feels different. A whole lot different. It doesn't even feel like a dream. It's like the past happening all again but the difference is I can't see.

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The feeling is hefty

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The feeling is hefty. It's like there's something big on top of my lungs making it hard to breathe. Like I'm stuck between two big rocks that could kill me once It crumbles.

I sat up from my bed out of breath. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks as my body temperature heated. Sh*t! Move on! It's been months get over it.

If I could forget about everything in a snap of a finger I would've done it already. It's tiring to have this heavy feeling on my chest every time I try to feel happy. I wiped my tears and looked at myself on the body mirror from my bed. Just forget the past! Come on!

"Beomgyu come down I need help In the kitchen!"My mom called from downstairs. I informed her that I'll be down in a moment. I just need to freshen up and clear the heavy thoughts in my mind.

I also need to check something on my phone. Just incase there's any important messages. I closed my bathroom's faucet and wiped my face with the towel hanging on my right shoulder.

I got out of the bathroom and went to search for my cellphone. I didn't even get to use it today. My nose wrinkled as I failed to see it. I swear I kept it in the front pouch of my bag.

Sh*t what if I lost it.

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published : jan

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published : jan. 6 2022

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