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RYUJINI crossed my legs as I get comfy on the sofa

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I crossed my legs as I get comfy on the sofa. They keep on playing this movie a thousand times in this channel. Can't they get a new one? I probably memorized the whole film dialogue by now. I reached for the remote using my toes as I accidentally dropped it on my face.

Crap! That hurts and it fell exactly on top of my nose. I held the bridge of my nose biting down on my bottom lip. It's painful! Aaaaaaaish If this leaves a mark if I wake up tomorrow I'll go wild.

"What are you doing?"My elder sister Nabi asked looking away from her computer for a moment.

"The remote fell on my nose, aaaaah f*ck"I said gently tapping my fingers on the part it fell on.

"YAAAAH no cursing In this household, only I can"She grabbed on a couch pillow and threatened to throw it to me. Her eyes flashed a scary gaze as a muscle in her jaw twitched.

I've been living with my older sister ever since I moved schools a few years ago. She's crazy but at least she's caring and funny. We only get to see our parents every time we go visit our salon and spa business. It's located in the city we grew up in and our parents runs it for decades already.

I went to make myself something to eat since Nabi doesn't cook. She decided to move to a whole different city without knowing the basics of cooking and cleaning. It's shocking that she has a big amount of confidence to
that. I personally don't have that confidence.

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