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BEOMGYUI scuffled

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I scuffled. I'm trying my best to not touch anyone I'm sitting next to in the train. I'm not sure if it's only me but it's awkward to be cramped in a space with strangers. It's been awhile since I rode a public transport. Specifically a metro train. I wouldn't be here in the first place if it wasn't for my dad. He wanted to commute after a very long time.

"Isn't this fun? You get to see the city in a moving view"Just like in cars dad. The city moves when we're riding any vehicle. My eyes landed to his figure greatly fascinated with the old gray buildings , and messy crippled washed out billboards.

I minded my own business by taking out my phone. I did nothing honestly. I just opened random apps. And scrolled through my gallery. I can't stand public places. People will stare at you for doing nothing.

On the spur of the moment. I smell something funny. A warm feeling spread on the seat whilst a scent of sh*t conquered. Like literal. Turd. Crap. Shart. Whatever you call it. It smells like a fart of a person who didn't poop for a month. Or decade. Or century.

People on the train stared at me. Me? Why me. I glanced to the old lady besides me. She's the one who farted. Ah crap. "Beomgyu.."My thoughts got interrupted with the voice of my dad speaking.

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