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"Karina are you okay? Please speak to me just this once"Jeno begged

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"Karina are you okay? Please speak to me just this once"Jeno begged. He ran after the girl. He saw his past girlfriend in a heated argument. Karina has no words stitched to reply.

"Jeno. Please, leave me alone"She told between pauses; beginning to be tired from his questions.

"I just want to see if you're fine, can't we be friends if we're not made to be a couple?"His eyes gleamed. Karina ignored his proclamations. She walked. Trying her hardest to avoid Jeno.

She's looking for Beomgyu. He disappeared on the spur of the moment. She wants to know if he's okay. Beomgyu ran to the rooftop. The only place he's always present.

"WHY ALWAYS ME? WHY? WHY? SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHY"He shouted out loud. He's worn out.

Imagine your world turning upside down. People's minds are controlled on what they perceive. It's the toxin. The poison that made the world turn against him.

"WHEN CAN I REST PEACEFULLY, PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU, PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU, PLEASE"Beomgyu screamed. His eyes beamed onto the sky. He begged. So hard.

"GRANDPA PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU ALREADY PLEASE I MISS YOU SO MUCH"He troubled breathing. His eyes puffed. Tears flowing harder.

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