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One week laterToday is career day in their university

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One week later
Today is career day in their university. If you don't know what that is. It's basically the day where students get to hear career talks from speakers. The students were told to wear a business attire the whole day.

"F*ck"Beomgyu mumbled to himself. Frustrated with the tie wrapped on his neck. He closed the faucet running water and looked at himself in the mirror.

He comes out of the men's toilet and walked to his locker. He opened the metal box as trash comes out of it. Used tissues, crumpled soda cans, candy wrappers. You name it. Giggles and camera flashes are audible to his ears as he rolled his eyes heavenward.

"Nice dumpster you got there loser"A guy irritatingly whispered to his ears. Beomgyu ignored his words and slammed his locker. He didn't care if the trash came out is scattered on the ground.

Hell he doesn't even own it so he doesn't care about it. Even if he's walking away the whispers and the camera flashes is still following him.

"Come on aren't you gonna pick a fight like before? Maybe you want that other arm of yours broken huh?"The guy kept on tailing him around. Every hallway he turns. Every move he makes. That annoying wench kept following him.

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