Chapter 1

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Meredith's POV:

Am I stupid for going back to Seattle? I mean how will everyone react to the news once they find out? How will Derek react? Meredith, you are on your way to the airport it's too late now to back out, you just need to hop on the plane and avoid Derek at all cost. In reality, it would be extremely hard to avoid Derek with being a Neuro fellow, Damn it Meredith why did you agree to be on this case.

"Meredith? Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, Sam I do, you don't need to worry."

Sam is my best friend here in Boston, we met at Hospital East Boston when he was my tour guide. He helped me a lot throughout the years and hasn't pushed me to open up about my past Seattle life. Many people think we should date but in all honestly, he is like my brother, so I have no intention to date him.

"Meredith are you sure, I can turn the car around if you forgot anything. Do you have all of you-"

"Sam seriously you sound like my ex-boyfriend, I have everything."

"Ew, I don't want to sound like him he's an ass."

"I know, so shut up and drive."


We're here at the airport about to board our flight back to Seattle. The truth is I'm terrified to go back, I didn't say goodbye to anyone when I left, I just got up and packed my bags I didn't even leave a note, I'm sure that they would have thought I was dead. And now I'm coming back, and I'm scared for what they will say to me and ask me.

"Meredith, this is where I stop. Call me as soon as you land and if this Derek dude gives you any C-R-A-P call me and I'll fly down and kick his A-R-S-E."

"Thanks, Sam, that means a lot."

"Hey Uncle Sam, you forgot me."

"Oh Noah, how could I forget my little man? Now you have to be good for your mummy okay?"

"Otay! I'll look after her!"

"That a boy. Bye Meredith, Bye Noah."




Shit. How am I going to do this? It has to be Derek's baby he's the only one I've slept with. But he picked Addison. He and Addison are figuring out their marriage, I can't be here ruining their relationship once again.
Okay, now all my bags are packed, I have everything I need to get away from here. I feel like my mother right now but at this point, I don't care I am doing what is right for everyone, I'm moving to Boston.
"But Meredith, why are you handing in your letter of resignation I don't understand."

"Chief, this program is amazing maybe even the best out there, but I feel as if this isn't the right place for me. Too many memories here."

Lies Meredith that was all a bunch of lies.

"If this is what you want and how you feel, then there is nothing I can do to stop you."

"Thank you for understanding Chief."


*Present day*

Noah looks exactly like Derek, with the same hair coloring and the same eye color. Luckily for Noah he inherited my nose thank god, he is the perfect mix of both of us and I couldn't ask for anything different.

Some days are harder than others, he always asks where his dad is and even though I put us in this situation it doesn't stop my heart from aching that he doesn't know who his dad is, and Derek doesn't know he has a son....... a son, breaking the shepherd girl curse.

"Noah, please you need to eat your dinner we are going to be in Seattle soon and if you eat all your dinner now on the plane, I promise on the way to the hotel we will stop to look at the ferryboats."

"FERRYBOATS!!! okay.... okay only if you promise mummy."

"Do I ever break my promises, Noah?"


"Exactly now go on eat your dinner we will be there in a couple of hours."


We're here in Seattle.

Was this a bad decision or was it the universe telling me it was time to see Derek and tell him about Noah? After all, it's been five years what could have possibly happened in the five years I was gone?

"Mummy! You said we would see the ferryboats, come on we are going to be late."

"Noah, there is no use trying to drag me there you hands are tiny."

"They are not mummy!"

"Okay, Noah you're right they aren't small, they are five-year-old sized."

"Thank you, now let's go, I want to see the ferryboats pleaseeeeee."


I forgot how pretty the view on the ferryboats were, the moon shining on the water, the water glistening the stars shining and the sound of the water flowing. This all makes me know this going to sound sappy and pathetic but it makes me feel closer to Derek. I guess that's why I always showed ferryboats to Noah, because in that way he knew something about his father, and maybe on this trip he will get to meet Derek if, of course, Derek doesn't hate me first.

"Noah?.....Noah? Where are you, Noah?"

Derek's POV:

Ahhhh Seattle in the evenings are always my favorite time of day, especially when I'm on a ferryboat with the moon shining, the stars twinkling and the sound of quietness besides the water, ferryboats are my safe place where I can think.

The only thing I think about or more like the person I think about is Meredith, I know it has been five years but I miss her. I made a mistake picking Addison, and now that we divorced each other around 4 years ago I've always wondered what Meredith's life is like, what our life could have been.

I felt something bang into my legs, I look down and see a little boy, he couldn't be older than 5 at least. He is quite a cute kid with freckles over his nose, blue eyes, curly hair, and a button nose, if I'm being honest he reminds me of myself when I was that age, obviously with some differences.

"I'm sorry, I was following the water, I should have looked where I was going sorry."

Good manners, his parents must be raising him right.

"That's okay bud, where are your parents?"

"Oh well my mummy, uh well I don't know where she is."

He's lost, he must have wandered too far.

"Well, my name is Derek let's go look for your mommy."

"My name is Noah and my mummy's name is Meredith."

It couldn't be, could it? My Meredith? Meredith Grey? After all these years is she back and with a son?

Hi everyone so I don't even know how I got to the point of writing this but here we are anyway. I hope you liked this chapter and hopefully choose to keep reading the book.
If you have any ideas let me know you never know I might use them.
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