Chapter 8

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Meredith's POV:

Last night... last night was amazing the dinner, the chasing after each other, the talking, the nighttime activities everything was all amazing. As I lie here in Derek's arms I realize that this is what I want to do and where I want to be, every morning in Derek's arms.

Derek-"Mhhm good morning. I see your snoring hasn't gone away."

"I don't snore."

"You do, I find it fascinating that such a loud noise comes from such a small figure."

"I do not snore Derek, as for your morning breath that's a real issue."

"My breath? It doesn't smell."

Crap, I didn't message George telling him I wasn't coming home, this is the first time I haven't come home to Noah. Oh my god, I'm such a bad mother, but I was with his father that no that doesn't give me an expectation I should have gone home.

"Derek, I have to go."

"Really why? I made sure we both didn't have work today, we can lay here all day maybe get up once and a while for coffee?"

"Derek, have you forgotten that there is a child at home probably wondering where I am?"

"Mer, I have it covered just relax."

"You have it covered? Do I want to know how?"

"I have many tricks up my sleeve, Meredith Grey."


Derek's POV:

I secretly had a whole day planned for Mer and I today, of course, I didn't know last night would end the way it did but I'm glad it did, I want Meredith to stay in Seattle, I need her to stay in Seattle.

"Come on sleepy head get changed we are going out."

"Derek, you said we were staying in bed, I want to stay in bed."

God, Meredith can be difficult in the mornings, she pulled the covers and pillow over her head which is cute but not helpful if we want to be on time for the ferry boat.

"Meredith, don't make me drag the covers off of you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh but I would."

"Derek don't you dare pull the covers off of me."

I don't listen, of course, if we are going to be on time for the ferry boat we need to get going and that means pulling the covers off of Meredith. So that's exactly what I will do.

*Derek pulls the covers off Meredith*

"Derek Christopher Shepherd! It's cold!"

"Well now you have to get up or we will be late."

"You're forgetting I only have my clothes from yesterday here."

"Just borrow some of mine."


Meredith's POV:

Derek quite literally made me get out of bed this morning for a surprise he won't even tell me, I hate surprises and I hate not knowing where we are going.

"Derek, please tell me where we are going, I am quite literally dressed like a slob."

"Excuse me those are my clothes and my clothes are fashionable."

Pff fashionable whatever Derek dream on, these are far from fashionable.

"I am swimming in it Derek and we please stop so I can buy something that fits me?"

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