Chapter 16

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Meredith's POV:

I woke up in Derek's embrace and I really don't want to move out from his arms but we have work today and we have to get up soon, but it's warm here, Derek's warm and we don't have to worry about him moving back to the trailer because he's here for good.

"Derek we have to get up."

"Mhhm what's the time."

I check the clock and it's early too early to be awake.

"5 in the morning, come on we have to get to work, Izzie is looking after Noah today."

"For someone who isn't a morning person Meredith, you have gotten me up very early."

Derek hugs me tighter making it even more impossible to leave the bed and get ready for work.

"Derekk, let me go I need to have a shower and you need to shave anyway your chin is scratchy."

"Funny enough I need a shower too, we could save water and have a shower together."

"Only if you let me go, and nothing is happening in the shower, Derek Christopher Shepherd."

"You say that now... I can be pretty irresistible."


Great now we're running late to work all because of Derek and his stupid dreamy eyes and me falling in the dangerous trap of his dreamy eyes. So now we are late, we should have left a half-hour ago but noooo Derek wanted to have a shower together when he was in his words "pretty irresistible."

"Derek we're late now!"

"You weren't complaining 5 minutes ago now were you? And if I remember I am your boss so I think we are in the clear."

"Let's just go, I have a feeling today is going to be a long day and I still need to pack for Boston."

"Boston is next week you have time, and every day is a long day Mer."


Derek and I walked into the E.R together but within minutes I get whisked away for a consult. So I make my way to trauma bed 2 and I'm shocked to see Thatcher sitting there with who I presume is his wife by his side, I don't know what to do or what to say. He is my father but if he isn't why is it so hard for me to get this over with?

I paged Derek to come to the pit, I need him to take lead and be the doctor I can't be here not when Thatcher is here, I just can't. Thatcher doesn't know what I look like now so he won't know it's his daughter doing the consult maybe even procedure.

I see Derek walking over clearly looking annoyed, oh God I hope I didn't pull him out of surgery.

"Meredith? You paged me 911, what's happened I was about to scrub in on a surgery. Nelson is now taking over for me so what's up?"

"My father is here with his wife, Derek he's here and they were talking about their kids. Derek, he moved on and forgot about me, anyway he needs a neuro consult and I can't do it, Derek, I can't. Please can you examine him, please Derek?"

"Meredith, of course, I will go over and speak to him, come here."

Derek pulls me into a hug and feels safe and everything that is happening with my father disappears for a little while.

Derek's POV:

I make my way over to trauma bed 2, in all honestly, I'm nervous to meet Thatcher because after all, he's Meredith's father and unbeknown to him Noah's grandfather.

"Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Shepherd. What seems to be the problem today?"

Stay professional. Stay professional. Stay professional.

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