Chapter 14

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A/N: Ellis has just started having symptoms of Alzheimer so in the past 5 years she was fine, hope that makes sense.

Meredith's POV:

After Derek dropped me home last night and kissed Noah goodnight I went straight to bed, I couldn't stop thinking about how Carolyn was going to be meeting Noah today. After hours of tossing and turning I finally fell asleep but now the sun has risen and in a few hours Noah's family will expand once again.

I start to wake up from the tugging at my arm.

"Mummy wake up... Izzie made pancakes!"

Mhmmm pancakes just what I need to start the day and the perfect time to tell Noah what the day will bring.

"Alright I'm up, you meet me down stairs and I'll be there in a minute and be careful no running, I don't want to go the hospital on my day off."

"OKAY! I'll be careful."

*text messages between Derek and Meredith*

D-Morning beautiful. Can Ma and I come down for breakfast to see Noah?"

M-Morning  sure Noah's up and ready I'll tell him in like 5 minutes who he is meeting. Text me when you're on your way, see you soon xx

D-See you soon xx


I make my way down stairs to the sound of Noah's laughter coming from the kitchen.

Noah- "Put me down Uncle Alex! Stop!"

Alex-"Not until you tell me I'm your favourite uncle."

Noah-"But Uncle Alex I have heaps of uncles! You're all my favourite."

Alex-"I guess that would have to do, now go run to get breakfast rugrat."

Noah-"Okay, do you know when mummy is coming down?"

"I'm right here bud, now are you ready to eat some pancakes I have something to tell you."


Derek is going to be here soon I need to tell Noah, why am I so nervous to tell him? It's not anything bad really, I guess telling him means I have to accept the fact that Ellis will never be apart of Noah's life and that hurts, but it's good that Carolyn is here and wanting to be apart of his life.

"Noah, your dad's on his way and he is bringing a special someone for you to meet."

"Who mummy who?!"

"Well daddy's mum is in town and is really wanting to meet you, so today you're going to meet you Granny."

"Really! YAY I can't wait."


Derek's POV:

I'm not going to lie I was extremally nervous for today and how Noah would react to yet another change in his life, but it's my mum everything will be okay I just know it.

"You ready to go Ma, I said to Mer we'll be there for breakfast."

"Yes, yes I'm ready but I would like to stop at a toy store to get Noah something."

His first gift from his grandparents.....his only involved grandparent mind you.

"Yea of course Ma he would love something from you, it would mean a lot to him having something from his Granny. You're his only involved grandparent...Meredith's mother didn't want anything to do with her when she found out and well her father left when she was five."

"Oh dear well that gives me all the more reason to spoil him, after all he is carrying on the Shepherd name."


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