Chapter 12

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*same day as the previous chapter*

Derek's POV:

Date night tonight and I'm stoked. Although we have had dates plenty of dates we mainly only talked about Noah and the pregnancy and as much as I love those topics I want us to be Meredith and Derek, I want to get to know the Meredith I missed on knowing for five years.

"Mer come on! We're going to be late!"

"I'm coming no need to get your knickers in a twist."

I turn around and I see Meredith walking down the stairs and I'm speechless she looks stunning, I'm shocked for words, speechless, you could say she has taken my breathe away.

Noah-"Mummy looks pretty daddy."

"She does Noah, she really does. Meredith, you look.... you look stunning."

Meredith-"Really? It's not too much?"

"Definitely not and I can't wait to take it off of you."

"DEREK our son is standing by your leg, read the freaking room."

I deserved that but in my defense, she looks stunning and I couldn't help myself.

Noah-"Mummy? When is Uncle Sam coming? I missed him so muchhhh mummy."

Meredith-"He's right by the door, go let him and be polite and say hi."

Noah-"Okay mummy!....HI SAM!"

I know I have nothing to be worried about now that I know but I can't help but be jealous of the relationship that Sam and Noah have together, and with Noah's and I's just starting I want our relationship to be special, so I'm jealous.

Meredith's POV:

I can see through Derek's eyes that he was jealous not of Sam but Sam and Noah's relationship and I can't help but not feel guilty for being the one who caused this.

"I'm sorry Derek."

He turns to me and looks me deep in the eyes and my legs start to feel weak, he's giving me the Mcdreamy look.

"For what Mer?"

"For keeping you away from this, from stopping you from knowing your son and building a relationship with him, I'm sorry."

"Meredith lookout me, yes I am a little envious of Sam's and Noah's relationship but I know that Noah and I's one is building and will be as strong if not stronger not offense than theirs. Like I've said countless times I am partly to blame for how this played out and I hate seeing you blame yourself for this happening, when it was both of us it takes two tango. And look where we are now Meredith, we are family."

No matter what happens Derek always finds the right words and makes everything seem better.

"Well I think we should go eat those steaks, carbs and wine don't you?"

"I do indeed, first we should say goodbye to Noah Mer."

"Right, and thank Sam for helping out."


Derek's POV:

It's way into the evening, steak and carbs far gone and now onto dessert I can't stop my mind from wondering if Meredith is serious about moving out here.

"So Derek, the brownie sounds nice but so does the cheesecake what would you like to share? Wait you're a health nut but silly me."

"Meredith, you pick but I need to ask you something."

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