Chapter 22

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Meredith's POV:

I can't sleep, I keep tossing and turning, moving constantly I just can't seem to focus on anything besides what Derek said earlier this evening. More kids? Bigger house for more kids. More kids, he wants more kids...with me? He wants more kids with me.

After much consideration I've decided that if I can't sleep I'll go log some hours, Derek can Noah to school and then I can try my hardest to avoid him throughout the day. Right, my day has been planned, all I have to do now is leave without waking Derek up.

I try to slide out of bed but Derek is faster he tightens his grip around my waist pulling me in. He places in face in the crook of my neck, and puts my hair behind my ear.

"What's up Mer? You keep tossing and turning."

He's been awake this whole time of course he has.

"Oh, no reason, I've been paged so I've got to go get ready."

"Why did page a fellow and not an attending?"

"Have no clue but they paged me, so can't be late lives to save."

I quickly and swiftly escape out of Derek's grasp.

"You're avoiding Meredith."


Derek's POV:

After dropping Noah at school I headed straight to work, I'm hoping Meredith is on my fellow today but knowing her and her avoiding past she would have asked to be on Nelson's. It's quite ironic she said she's turned a new leaf and doesn't avoid anymore, yet here we are. 

I walked up to a nurses station to ask if they could page Meredith for me.

"Hi Debbie, I was wondering if you could page Dr. Grey for me?"

"Of course, Dr. Shepherd, she should be in surgery with Dr.  Nelson, would you still like me to page her?"

"No, no it's fine Debbie, I'll go to her. Family matters to discuss and what not."

I have a gut feeling that the reason behind all of this was me saying for bedrooms for more kids. I didn't think it would progress to such a problem, I thought it was a mutual idea, but then again I didn't really talk to her about before I announced it to her and Noah.

I look down from the gallery as Meredith works on a craniotomy, everything she is perfect. She's perfect.

She glances up and spots me and the quickly looks back down, I'm now sensing she wasn't paged this morning.....


I watch as Meredith does the last stitch to close up, she swiftly leaves the O.R to scrub out, I decided while I was watching her cut that I would go and talk to her in the scrub room. She can't really avoid me then.

I make my way downstairs and look in through the door, there she is. Isn't she just so beautiful.

"Meredith, we need to talk."

"No we don't Derek, I have to go get ready for-"

"For what Meredith, you don't have another surgery for at least 2 hours, so we can talk."

"Derek, I'm tired. I need to go to an on call room, we can talk when we get home."

"Expect Meredith, we won't you will find a case and work, to avoid whatever is making you stressed, and feel as if you need to avoid me, instead of talking you're running. I thought we moved past the running?"

"Derek, just let me breathe on my own for a little while. You wanted communication, I'm communicating that I need air, so please let me go to the on call room."

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