Chapter 21

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Meredith's POV:

I've been in Seattle for a total of 2 months, and I have been in a relationship with Derek for 1 and half. Derek... he's well Derek he has been incredible with Noah in fact today he is taking him up to the land to learn how to fish.

Derek and I have been talking and he wants his sisters to meet Noah, his mother already has but I'm not too sure if I'm ready for his sisters especially Nancy to meet him. Noah's just a kid, and I don't want him to be labelled as the child that ended a marriage, he doesn't need know that story at five years old.

I roll over to face Derek, but I'm meet with cold sheets, I open my eyes and it's still dark out I can't hear the shower running. I'm debating if I should stay in the warmth of my bed or go locate my boyfriend.

"Shhhh Daddy, we don't want to wake mummy up."

"I'm not the one talking Noah, now tippy toes."

I hear the door creak open and sets of feet walking in.

"Remember Noah, whisper."

Derek needs to take a page out of his own book, he calls that whispering?

"Mummy, wake up mummy wake up." Noah whispers

I decided to pretend to be asleep for just a little bit longer, so they can keep trying.

"Noah, keep trying she'll wake up soon enough."

*Noah starts jumping onto of the bed continuously* 

Meredith- "Right, right I'm up, come here you rascal."

*Meredith starts tickling Noah.*

Noah- "Noooo Mum stoppppp."

"Only if you promise not to scare me again you rascal."

Noah-"I promise, I PROMISE just stop the tickling."


Derek's POV:

I watch the interaction between Noah and Meredith and it blows my mind how strong it is and how wonderful mother Meredith is. She was always so scared that she would be a terrible one, or kids would hate her but this is so far from the truth.

You can tell by the way Noah looks her in the eye that there is only love and admiration. I don't even know what I'd do if Mer and Noah had moved back to Boston, knowing I now have a son and am now a father is the best feeling in the world.

"Right Noah, we have to get going if we want to catch the morning fish."

"Byeeee mama, I'll catch up MASSIVE fish for you!"

I watch as Noah races down the stairs, not caring whether he has woken Izzy or George up.

"Mer, we really need our own place."

"I know but while you fish I'll talk to Sam about it."

"You're talking to Sam about moving houses with me without me?"

"Yup! Have fun fishing, watch Noah, he likes to wander as you know from the ferryboat."

Ahh yes the first time I met my son without knowing he was my son.


Meredith's POV:

Derek and Noah have been out for nearly 4 hours, they don't have any cell reception so it's safe to say I may be freaking out. I haven't really left Noah out in the wilderness before but he's with Derek, so he's okay. Everything is okay.

Maybe I should look at apartments or houses, but then I haven't really got a job in Seattle, I may have not gotten back to Richard yet.

Ring ring ring

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