Chapter 15

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*Fast forward a few days*

Derek's POV:

Today's moving day! This is the next step to the rest of my life with Meredith and Noah. I couldn't be happier, one step at a time.... one slow and Meredith sized step at a time, I can work with that as long as I have them with me I am more than okay with Meredith sized steps.

"Derek, you're phone is ringing again this time it's Nancy."

Crap this is like the 20th time one of the sisters have called me I presume because Ma would have told them about Meredith and Noah.

"Let it ring, I need to finish packing boxes."

"Derek, they have probably been told and if you don't answer one of the many calls they will fly out here, and I don't know if I can handle that many she Shepherds in one day."

She-Shepherds? That's a new nickname for my sisters maybe even one of the best.

"Mer I'll call them back tomorrow once I've finished packing and have moved my boxes into your house, but at the moment I just want to go home to you and Noah....and your roommates."

"Derek you have finished packing you are just slow, and my roommates are my family you cannot and won't kick them out. Sorry to say but I knew them before I knew you so they will come first."

"Ouch... technically we met first at the bar, which is a fond memory I will forever cherish."

"Oh shut up and move the boxes to the cars, I have to find space for them in the house sooner rather later."

Meredith's POV:

Derek is finally moving in and typically this would make me freak out and push myself away from him but not today, today feels good this.... him moving in feels good and if something feels this good then it must mean I'm doing something right?

Derek-"Mer, I was thinking maybe later down in the line we could buy our own house or build, I mean we have the money for it and with the money from your house in Boston we could build on the land."

I look at him I'm not entirely sure what I'm feeling but I can only imagine the house we could build with the many but not a large number of rooms for our future kids.

"Meredith if it's too much just tell me, I mean we don't have to do it I was just thinking out loud. There really is no rush we can just get this move started and then we can talk about it....only talk."

"No no Derek, I mean in this moment it seems a lot but I was just imagining what it could look like and uh what our future could look like...together with more kids hopefully."

"You want more kids?"

"I mean yea I do, Noah needs a sibling to play with and I kind of don't want a massive age gap but then I want us to be settled with each other before we you know try for a baby, but then if it happens it happens and we would love it either way. I guess I just want us to be married or whatever first, but yes I do want more kids with you Derek."

Shit I rambled on again about babies? The house? Marriage? God knows what.


Derek's POV:

Hearing Meredith talk about marriage and kids gives me even more confidence that she is it for me, that I want to marry her and that proposing is the right thing to do. Obviously it's too soon to propose maybe I'll wait a few more months but now that Ma gave me her ring it just makes wants me to propose right here and right now.

*flashback: At the airport*

Ma and I arrived at the airport so she could catch her flight to New York where she will no doubt inform the Shepherd herd about the newest addition to the family.

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