Chapter 9

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In case anyone is confused this chapter continues on from their date so it is set afternoonish after their picnic in the park.

Meredith's POV:

I was intertwined in Derek's arms and for a minute I forgot everything that happened those five years ago and it feels as if nothing has changed and everything is the same. I then remember that everything in fact is very different, Derek and I now have a son might I add a very cute son.

Derek-"Meredith, how come I've never seen this scar across your abdomen? I think I would have noticed before or last night even."

Scar? What scar? Ohhh I know the scar he is talking about. I completely forgot about it being there.

"Derek, it's nothing just from the C-section with Noah."

His facial features quickly changed from intrigued to concerned which he has no need to be it was five years ago and it's healed.

"You had a c-section? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know if you wanted to know, it was never brought up."

His facial features changed once more now he was mad, this was the moment I was waiting for. I knew it was too good to be true, I knew after a while his built-up anger will just explode.

Derek moves to a sitting up position and turns to look at me and I'm worried about what he is going to say what will happen. Everything was perfect today and last night and now I'm scared that will all be thrown away over a scar.

Derek's POV:

It's not like I'm furious at Meredith or even mad, I'm just annoyed I want her to talk to me, I want her to tell me how her pregnancy went and how our son was born. I wasn't there for the experience so I want to be able to know the information.

"Meredith, I'm not mad. I'm annoyed he's my son as his yours, Meredith I wasn't there and I'm not trying to make you feel guilty because I am partly to blame but I just want to do what you went through I want to be a part of both of yours lives but I can't do that if I don't know what happened."

"Derek it's just a scar from a c-section."

"No Meredith, it's not just a scar, it's a part of your life... Noah's life that I missed that I want to know about, it's more than just a c-section to me."

"Okay, I'll tell you everything."


"Yes, everything Derek."

Meredith's POV:

I never really thought if Derek wanted to know about Noah's birth, but the more he talked the more I realized how much I kept from him so I guess this is the only way I can fix things.

"*sigh* Derek, as you know Noah was born five weeks early, he came early because I fell down some stairs trying to get to surgery. I thought I was fine, the O.B cleared me to watch the surgery as I was still an intern so I went on with my day as I normally would. Halfway through the surgery I got a sharp pain I ignored it as you would probably expect me to, the pain kept coming and I knew what it was, Sam was there for me the whole way through I wasn't by myself. I had to have a c because Noah was still breech."

Derek's POV:

Mer's right if I was there with her she would be as stubborn as ever and work until she popped, but she fell, she was hurt, Noah was breech this is a lot of information to handle, but I wanted to know and now I do.

"Derek that's not all, from the fall I didn't know I was bleeding or pain as I was in labor, I had a massive hemorrhage and had to have a splenectomy hence why the incision scar is bigger than your name c section scar."

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