Chapter 7

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Derek's POV:

I could tell Meredith is getting suspicious and antsy with not knowing where we are going, but all in good time she will soon find out where we will be spending our evening. But I want to keep it a surprise until she either figures it out or when I tell her.

"Derek? Where are we going?"

"I told you it's a surprise, so just enjoy the ride and the views you haven't seen in years."

"But Derek, I hate surprises could you maybe just tell me pleaseeee."

"Meredith, we are nearly there you wait."

Noah obviously got his begging skills from his mother along with his begging face. As much as Noah looks like me, he reminds me so much of Meredith.


As I pull into the land where my trailer five years later still remains, Meredith finally said something that isn't begging to know where we are heading.

"Derek? You still live on the land?"

"Yes I do, I never wanted to get rid of it. It's a piece of who I am and who...we were. Come on dinner's waiting."

Meredith's POV:

I can't believe it after all these years, he still lives in the trailer on the land. Wow, just wow I also thought he and Addison would have sold the land and brought a house, I never thought they would end up divorced and Derek still with his land.

Derek- "Come on, let me show you where dinner is."

"We're not having it in the trailer?"

"No, we are not, come on slowpoke."

"I am not slow! I'll show you how fast I am."

And just like that, I start to run, I have no clue where I'm running to or why I'm running. To prove a point? Probably? To make fun of Derek? Also most likely.

"I'll catch you, Meredith! "

 I turn around to check how fun I have run and there is Derek right behind me and before I could process how close to me he is, we're on the ground giggling away.

Derek-"Told you I'd catch you."

There's the spark again, should I act on it? Should I ignore it?



"I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Derek, we should probably go to that dinner of yours."

"Right, yeah we should."


Derek's POV:

That was the perfect moment to kiss Meredith and I didn't, what was wrong with me? There is a spark we both know it's there yet I can't even bring myself to kiss her.

"We're here, I brought some Italian from I hope your favorite Italian restaurant."

"Derek this is amazing, the candles, the table, the view, It's all so beautiful, and yes still my favorite could there be any other Italian I would go to in Seattle?"

I want to say she looks beautiful but I'm unsure if that's going too fast for her.

"I guess not no, here let me grab your chair."

"Thank you, Derek. And I think there are things we need to talk about."

"Yea most definitely, So let's eat then."

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