Chapter 13

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"No Meredith stay we have to tell her together so she knows both sides, remember in this together. Ma, I can- we can explain everything you just can't get mad."

Derek's POV:

This wasn't how Ma was supposed to find out I wanted it to be special and for Meredith to be able to process the fact that Ma would know but now she is sitting waiting for one of us to say something and I'm stuck for words, I don't know where to start.

Meredith-"Mrs. Shepherd, I'm Meredith Grey and if you would I could take you out for coffee and I can explain everything to you. I'm more to blame than Derek is."

What is Meredith doing? I'm part to blame she can't go get coffee on her own Ma will bombard her with questions.

"Meredith let me come it's not all your fault."

Carolyn-"Derek, I think I would like to talk with Meredith first get to know her, and then we can come back here and you can go all protective then."

"Mum you can't get mad though I am to blame too, don't hate Meredith."

Carolyn-"Have some trust in your mother Derek."

Meredith's POV:

Derek's mother seems nice but I have no clue why I offered to go get coffee and I don't know what is going to happen and how she will react, but I have to do this for Derek and for Noah he deserves a family who will love him and Ellis well I'm not sure she can give him that love but Derek's family can I just hope they don't hate me.

"Uhh, should we go Mrs. Shepherd?"

"Carolyn dear, call me Carolyn I feel I would be seeing you a lot more so now need for professionalism. And maybe somewhere down the line, it could be mum"

Carolyn is being very nice but I have a gut feeling that it won't last long the whole Shepherd tribe is going to hate me I just know it.

"Meredith dear? Are we going?"

"Oh right, Derek I don't have a car can we take yours as it's late?"

Derek-"Of course let me know when you get there and come back, and I can run you home."

"Thanks, Der see you soon, love you."

Derek-"Love you too Mer, bye Ma."


We were driving to the only café I can remember the way to from Derek's trailer, I just hope it's open or this all would have been for nothing. We both have said it's not that I don't want to talk to her she's my boyfriend's mother and my son's grandmother that she has yet to find out about. I just don't know what to say to start the conversation.

"So Meredith, do you like Derek's trailer in the woods?"

"I mean I love it, it feels homey and it is hard to think that he didn't sell it the five years I was gone, but I love it because it has Derek written all over it."

"I see may I ask why you were gone for five years dear?"

Shit why did I have to mention that I was gone for five years, I just never know when to keep my mouth do I?

"Uh for personal reasons and work reasons I guess."

"And I take it my son had a part to play in your departure for so long?"

"Yea but it's not his fault I moved, I mean in some ways it was but I made the decision he just made me feel as if I had to."

"I understand Meredith, I know the story of you and Derek although we never got given a name we all knew. Addison was never Derek's match we all knew it even Derek knew it but he felt like he was obligated to stay with her even if it was obvious to the naked eye he was in love with someone else.....he was and still is in love with you.

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