Chapter 4

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Meredith's POV:
Noah and I are on our way to my house? Izzie's house? I'm not really sure anymore but my nerves just kept growing and growing and I have no clue why when I've let my secret out to four people. Four people that's not bad, I can handle four people knowing.

"Mummy, where are we going? I'm sleepy."

" I know sweetie, we are going to mummy's old house where your uncles and aunties live."

"Oh okay, do they have toys there?"

"No, but you brought yours remember?"

"Oh, yea I forgot."

We're coming closer and closer to the house and my nerves keep growing and growing even more, and I guess it could be because the group knows before Derek does. Right, I have to tell Derek, how on earth am I going to explain this to him?

Derek's POV:
I left Joe's in shock, and somehow I ended up in my car driving to Meredith's house, I wanted answers to the many questions that were left unanswered when she left five years ago.

I knock on the door and no one is home so I could either leave and talk to her tomorrow at work or I could wait here on the swing for her to get home.

I think I prefer option 2. It gets it over with and every out in the open. Why am I even here? This doesn't even concern me but for some crazy reason, I have a feeling deep in my gut that there is something Meredith hasn't told me.
Meredith's POV:
Finally, we made it, I can crawl into a bed or curl up on the couch anywhere is fine just somewhere where I can fall asleep. Sleep I need sleep and so does Noah.
"Hey, bud wake up where here time to wake up."


" Noah, you go run to the door and knock, if no one answers come back, I'll bring the bags inside."

"*yawn* okay mummy."

Noah starts to wander off towards the door as I unloaded the bags.
A few minutes have passed and Noah hasn't come back, Izzie or George must have gotten home before me then.

"Noah, I'm coming now!"

Derek's POV:
I was just sitting on the swing when I heard tiny little footsteps edging closer to me. I turn my head and incomes Noah from the ferry, and I'm starting to think maybe my suspensions were correct.

Noah-"Derek? Ferry boat Derek! What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for a friend. What are you doing here Noah?"

"My mummy's friends live here too! I'm waiting for mummy to come
with the bags."

Meredith- "Noah, I'm coming now!"

I hear her voice and my heart skips a beat, it can't be her but it is her. It's her voice the one I haven't heard in five long years.
She turns the corner and we lock eyes I can feel that the spark is still there, I know it is.

Meredith- "crap."
Noah-"MUMMY that's a bad word!"
Meredith-" Sorry bud, I'll put a dollar in the jar when we get home, I promise."

Noah is her son. But Noah is five years old..... 9 months before August is January, the month Meredith left Seattle.
The month we were dating...
the month we broke up
and I chose Addison.....
Is Noah my son?

Meredith's POV:
Crap crap crap. Izzie was supposed to be home not Derek. Why the hell is Derek standing on my porch, and now he is staring at me waiting to talk, what do I say?

"Hey, Noah let me take you to bed, and then I'll talk to our guest okay?"

Noah-"Okay mummy I'm quite sleepy."
I'm trying to quietly tiptoe down the stairs to avoid waking Noah up but my nerves are getting the best of me, I can't stop my legs from shaking they feel like jelly as if they will give in at any given second.

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