Chapter 10

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*The next day*

Meredith's POV:

Worrying was an understatement I was freaking out why in my right mind did I agree with Derek to take Noah to the hospital day-care? Everyone is going to find out, the rumours are going to start everyone is going to gossip and stare and I just can't deal with that again, so yes I was freaking out.

Izzie to Noah-"I think your mummy is freaking out."

Noah to Izzie-"She does this a lot, she did this at the airport too! It was funny Uncle Sam had to make sure she got on the plane whatever that means."

Izzie to Noah-"Interesting"

The only person I thought could calm me down is Sam but he doesn't know I started dating Derek maybe I should tell him and then Derek could tell his family but when he tells his family they will come down, and Sam will come down oh my god I shouldn't call Sam.

*ring ring*

Oh maybe Sam would call me, I should answer shouldn't I?

"Uh hey Sam, how have you been?"

"Mer cut the crap you haven't called me in days. You promised you would call me everyday Mer."

"I know I'm sorry it's been busy with Noah, and work and talking to people, planning things. I've been busy I've meant to call I swear I was going to."

*Ding Dong*

Noah-"Mummy it's daddy! Daddy's here!"

*Back on the phone call*

"Meredith, what have you done? Why is Noah screaming that his dad is here? You didn't do what I think you did, did you?"

Crap I've been caught how will I get myself out of this one?

"I didn't mean for it to happen I swear, he was sitting on the swing when I got home from the bar wanting to talk I couldn't make him leave especially since he had met Noah and could clearly connect the dots. I swear Sam I didn't mean for everything to happen but then sparks and feelings and surprise dates and the sex god Sam it's like that's not the point, the point is I was planning on avoiding, I was avoiding and then he showed up and he took the blame, Sam he took the blame and he wasn't mad, he was dreamy."

"Meredith slow down from what I got in your rambling, he's changed he has become a better man from you leaving, and maybe this would be a good thing and hey if you move out there don't think for a second I won't be following you. Meredith, even when you hated him you loved him we both knew and now you have a second chance as much as I want to kick his arse from the whole wife thing I support you."

"You- you do? You're not mad?"

"No Mer I'm not mad, I knew it would happen when you eventually came out here, now you better go let him in before he does get annoyed."

"Right that's a good idea, and Sam I promise I will call or text you from now on well until you move out here, I was just scared."

"I know Mer, I know."


Derek's POV:

I arrived at Mer's house and I knocked on the door and there was no answer, I could see through the window that Mer was sitting on the chair by the staircase talking on the phone? Noah had seen me and screamed with excitement but from what I could see from Noah's excitement it caused Mer distress. From the way here lips moved she was most definitely rambling to whoever on the other end of the line.

So now I've been waiting on the swing for Meredith to come out so we can go to work together as a family, which would explain the rambling from before.

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