Chapter 11

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Meredith's POV: 

It isn't even 12 'o' clock and I've been stopped multiple times being bombarded with questions from anyone and everyone who has heard the news about Derek and I. But I just have to breathe and keep working everything will be okay, the gossiping will die down I just have to trust Derek. 

I make my way to Derek's office so we both can walk to kindergarten to pick Noah up for lunch.... as a family. It feels weird to say that because it's always been Noah and I but now it's Noah, Derek and I it feels weird but it also feels so perfect.

"Meredith over here!"

I turn around and standing there is Sam. What on earth is he doing here?



"What the hell are you doing here? We literally talked on the phone this morning."

"I know we did, but I thought I should meet this Derek person make sure if I should actually give  blessing and all that jazz."

"Well, I'm going to his office now for lunch with Noah if you want to come with us?"

"I would love to."

Now this is going to be interesting my boyfriend and my very overprotective best friend/brother.


Derek's POV:

Meredith is late, Meredith is never late well usually but she said she would page me. Okay so maybe I'm freaking out because this is the first time we are eating as a family at work and she could just be finishing up some pre op or post op notes. So I shouldn't panic because she will be here she wouldn't leave without me.

*knock knock*

"Come in!"

Meredith-"Hey Derek sorry I'm late I bumped into Sam. Derek this is Sam, Sam this is Derek."

Sam-"I see what you mean Meredith."

See about what?

Meredith-"Oh shut up Sam he's mine. Anyway Derek, Sam surprised me at work so if it was okay with you could he come to lunch with us? I know Noah would have missed him."

If I'm being honest I don't want Sam to come to lunch with us because I don't know him and what if Noah likes him more than me? Or what if Meredith likes him more then me and both decide to move to Boston with him. I don't want him to eat lunch with us, this was our time to be a family and no I just don't want him to sit with us. But I can't say that not when Meredith has that sparkle in her eyes, she's happy I can't burst her bubble of happiness.

Sam-"I don't want to impose I can see the kid later tonight. For our annual drinks Mer?"

Mer and I are supposed to go out for dinner.

Meredith-"Derek and I have plans tonight but if you wanted to you could stay at mine and look after Noah, is that okay Derek?"

"I guess, I mean we do need someone to look after him."

Sam-"Sure, I can look after the rascal. I'm going to go see if I can lend a hand while I'm here."

How long is he staying for? I already want him gone, I don't want to lose Meredith again.


Meredith's POV:

I can tell something is bothering Derek, he hasn't said a word since we left his office to go get Noah, and it might be a hunch but I think I know what's on his mind and that is Sam.

"Derek, what's your problem?"

"I don't have one."

"Really? Because you have been in a foul mood since Sam left your office and since we left it. So now that I'm your girlfriend you have to tell me."

Derek looks me in the eyes and I can see how vulnerable he is but also scared but why would he be scared there is nothing be afraid of.

"Meredith, he was with you for everything  I wasn't. Those experiences bring people together and I'm scared you will have feelings towards him and you and Noah will move back to Boston with him."

I'm trying so hard to stop myself because this is one of Derek's insecurities and worries but it's so undeniably funny me and Sam? Together? Most definitely not.

"I should of not said anything Meredith, ignore what I said."

"No no Derek, it's not that it's just Sam, he's gay and very protective of me he sees me as a sister and I see him as a brother. Everyone assumes we will date but Sam isn't completely out of the closet yet so I think I probably just outed him to you which I should apologise to Sam for, but when people assume we say it's because we aren't each others type which is mostly true and plus my type is you."

Derek's facial expression changes from worried to relaxed? at ease? whatever it was I can tell he is  trying to process everything I just said.

"I don't have to be worried?"

"No Derek, he's my best Boston friend and my brother, you have nothing to be worried about."


Derek's POV:

"Noah please can you eat the rest of your salad?"

"No! I want some chips! I never have chips I always have salads, I hate salads. Mummy has chips why do I have to have salads?!"

The perks of being a new parent if you will learning what your child likes and dislikes and today it seems to be hatred towards greens and love for potato's. Which is a bit ironic considering Meredith is the same but raised him with more greens than processed fat then I would have expected.  

"Noah, if you eat all your greens I will give you as much chips as you hand can hold okay?"

I knew it wouldn't be many as his hands are small for his age so it was win for me and kind of win for him.

"Fine, but when mummy comes I get her chips right?"

"Right, now continue eating your salad before mummy comes back and before you go back to kindy."

Meredith-"Hey what are my two favourite boys talking about?"

Noah-"Mummy I ate all my greens! Can I eat some of your chips now pleaseeeee?"

Meredith-"My chips? Derek?"

"We made a deal it was the only way, don't worry he is only grabbing as much as his  five year old hands can carry."

Meredith-"Well I guess that's alright then Noah. Don't to fast Noah don't want to make your tummy sore."

Noah-Daddy? Are you and mummy going on a date tonight?"

"Yes Noah, we are and we have a special person coming to look after you tonight."

Noah-"Who daddy who!"

Sam-"Hey rascal missed me?"

Noah-"Uncle Sam!"

Hi everyone next chapter will still set in this current day with their date etc. Hope you liked this chapter also please let me know if you have any ideas or opinions on this story means a lot to me! Sorry for any grammatical errors :)

Don't forget to vote 

Also let me know  if anyway I worded something offensively about Meredith telling Derek that Sam's gay or if it was put that way I definitely did not mean it to come across as rude  and hope I didn't offended anyone and if so I will change it as soon as I made aware of any mistakes I could have made.

Have a great day :)

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