Chapter 5

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Meredith's POV:
Last night went way better than I expected, Derek was calm and collected of course he was mad he wouldn't be Derek if he didn't get at least a little bit angry. But everything.... everything is perfect. Well almost perfect, but I think I'm going to stay on cloud 9 for a little while longer to soak in how perfect life is.

"Mummy! Wake up!"

Ahhh my 7 am wake-up call is here right on time.

"Morning bud, want to get some breakfast and meet your aunt and uncle?"

"YES! let's go I'm hungry and I want to say hi to everyone."

"Right well let me wake up first."


I start to attempt to make pancakes for breakfast, but I just can never get the recipe right it always burns, or is too raw, too salty, or dry. I should have just waited for Izzie to wake up.

"Mummy, are the pancakes nearly ready, I'm hungry."

"Uh soon bud, mummy just needs to make it right."

"Mummy, you can't cook."

Izzie-"No she can't Noah, Mer it's been five years I thought you would have gained some culinary skills while you were gone."

"I didn't need to learn, Sam cooked for us and when he was working it was oven meals, see that's cooking."

Izzie- "Let me fix your mess of the so-called pancakes, and who's Sam?"

Noah- "Mummy, is uncle Sam coming here!"

"No sweetie but this is your aunt Izzie say hi."


*ding dong*

Izzie- "I'll get it. ............... Derek what are you doing here?"

Derek- "I've come here to see my son and Meredith."

Izzie- "You know? And you're not filled with rage?"

Derek-"I know, and I'm not filled with anger, well not anymore."

Derek's POV:

I know it was crazy of me to come to Meredith's house today, but last night, we felt close there was a spark there. I just want to start fresh with her and get to know Noah, I want to make this work for us, I want to fix what I partly caused I want Meredith to give me another chance, I want her to give us another chance. There was a spark and I want that to grow.

*from a distance*

Meredith- "Noah Derek Grey Shepherd! What did I say about leaving your toys all over the floor!"

I always wondered and imagined what life would be like if I had picked Meredith to begin with if we started a family together. And now that I know that we made a child together, I couldn't be happier, and hearing Meredith mother her- our son it makes my heart go warm with love and admiration.

Noah-" Sorry mummy, I'm sorry."

Meredith- "Noah, all I ask is for you to put things away okay? You're a big boy now and big boys pick up after themselves. Now let's go I'm going to be late."

Izzie soon brought me out of my daydreaming and brought me back to reality.

Izzie- "I guess you can come and say hello, just if you end up yelling don't do it in front of Noah."

"I won't yell at all, all anger is long gone."


Meredith's POV:

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