Chapter 20

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*A few days have passed*

Meredith's POV:

I can't believe my little Noah is so grown up, today is his first day at primary school and it brings a tear to my eye. It feels as if it was just yesterday I was holding him in my arms merely hours old.

"Come on Noah, finish up your breakfast and grab your coat."

"Mummy, is school fun? Do you think they'll like me?"

"Of course, they will Noah you are a very cool little dude anyone would be lucky to be your friend."

"Is daddy taking me to school, or are you?"

"Don't sound so down about me taking you there Noah, but once Dad gets home and showers, we both will take you to school."

"Oh YAY both mummy and daddy will take me to school!"

Noah runs into the kitchen with a large grin plastered across his face talking away to himself over the fact that both his parents will take him to school.

Derek's POV:

I've been working all evening so I'm looking to go to sleep but today is a big day in the Grey-Shepherd household, today is Noah's first day at primary school and I can't miss that, I've already missed milestones, and this one I tried my hardest to not miss.

I walk through the doors of Meredith's house, the house is silent which is odd there should be Noah racing around the house in excitement and Mer calling out for him to be careful. But instead, it is filled with silence, I start to think if I've I'm late to pick them up, I check my watch and I'm even early.

Mer-"Shhhh Noah, stop laughing."

I look around the hallways and no one is there, I check the living room, then the kitchen, they aren't there but I can hear Noah's giggles.

Mer-"Noah shhh we don't want daddy to find you."

I follow the sound of their voices and giggles into the den, no surprise that they aren't in plain sight. I start to walk back out when two pairs of feet behind the curtain catch my eye.

Noah-"I think he's gone mummy, we can leave and scare him now."

I take this opportunity to quietly tiptoe across the room, hopefully, they won't hear me sneaking upon them.


Noah-"AHHH daddy you scared me, I was gonna do the scaring."

"How about you can scare me next time? Now, don't we have somewhere to go today?"

Noah-"Yea! It's time for school!"

"Do you have everything Noah?"

Noah-"Ahhhh I dunno."

"Well, you go out to the living room and wait there, I've got to talk to mummy."

I watch Noah race out of the room and straight to the tv and soon the house is filled with the theme song for paw patrol.

I walk toward Meredith and kiss her.

"I've been wanting to kiss you since I started work last night, I missed you."

"I missed you too, I was starting to think you'd be late for his big day."

"I was actually early."

"I know but we've never done this before, I mean I have when it was kindy but it's different now because he has you, and when it was kindergarten it was just me and he was a mess and I was a mess, so I'm glad you are here because then he won't be a mess and then I won't be a mess, and I thought you'd be lat-"

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