Chapter 3

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Meredith's POV:
Today is the day, today I see everyone Cristina, Izzie, Alex, and George for the first time in five years, and I'm scared there is going to be yelling, tears, and worst of all hugs. I don't deserve a welcome home hug after what I did, but here I am waiting for Noah to wake up to get our day started. To get this dreaded day over and done with.

Derek's POV:
Ahhh what a great surgery that was, for once the surgery stayed simple no complications no bleeders everything went according to the book and that's just the high I needed for today.

I walked into the elevator and there stood the four former interns who all not so secretly hate my guts for something I couldn't control, I couldn't stop Meredith from leaving hell I didn't even know she was planning to or did until days later.

Izzie- " *cough* Mcass *cough*"

"Dr. Stevens it's been five years, don't you think it's time to grow up and stop calling me rude names. I am your boss, you are not mine I suggest you move on."

Izzie-  "So, I should get over the fact your drove Meredith away? That's good to know, it's good to know where you stand seeing as we still don't know where she is."

God, since Meredith left this is what I have had to deal with all day every day, the constant looks from the former interns and the gossiping nurses. I just wish I could turn back time and fix what I broke.
Meredith's POV:
This is it, there's no turning back. I'm here now standing in front of the now-called Seattle Grace Mercy West hospital and I'm debating if it's too late to run back to the hotel and pack up and go back to Boston.
But I can't do that I have an obligation to my job to stick this through, I have an obligation to Derek to tell him about Noah. So as much as I want to run and never look back I have to do this, I have to talk to Derek and watch as his heartbreaks and his anger build.

Bailey- "Meredith? Meredith Grey is that you?"

I haven't even stepped inside the walls of the hospital and someone has already spotted me, good grief.

"Uh yeah, it is. Hi Dr. Bailey."


Derek's POV:
I've had back-to-back surgeries, and I'm so exhausted and so looking forward to going home to the trailer to sleep. Sleep is good, very good. But I can't not yet my shift isn't even over, I still have to meet this new neuro fellow, who is yet to make an appearance.

Nurse Debbie- "Did you hear that Meredith Grey is back?"

Nurse Olivia- "Really? She's back after all these years? Ooooh, what will happen with her and McDreamy."

Nurse Debbie- " Well, I heard she is the new neuro fellow that's here for a case, but the chief is trying to get her to transfer back here."

I can't believe it. Meredith is back In Seattle? She's the neuro fellow that I've been assigned to? Was she the Meredith on the ferry last night? Does she have a son now? I have so many questions running through my head and there really is only one person who can answer them.


Meredith's POV:
Everything is happening all at once, Richard offering me job after job to get me to stay. Nurses have already started to gossip, no doubt Derek has already found out that I'm here before I could talk to him myself, and to top it all off I haven't even talked to Cristina or Izzie yet.

Alex- "Meredith Grey, as I live and breathe. It's been a while."

"Alex! Hey it's good to see you."

"Yea, yea I know it is but I think you have some explaining to do."

Izzie, George, Cristina - "Yea. Mer it's been five years, we thought you were dead until you started to get published."

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