Chapter 6

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Derek's POV:

Telling Noah that I was his father brought everything to reality, I have a son, I'm a dad, I've missed the first five years of his life and I am going to promise him and myself that no matter what I won't miss any more time than I have already.

Noah- "Derek? Can I call you dad?"

My heart aches that he even has to ask me that question.

"Of course bud, I am your dad so you can call me dad if you would like to."

Noah- "Yes, please! Thank you for taking me on a ferry boat, I love ferry boats, did you know that?"

Meredith is working today and I have the day off so I thought it would be a good idea to take Noah out, and then maybe convince Meredith to go out for dinner with me. We both know there is something there and I know I may be going too fast but it's just dinner right. nothing more right?

"I did know you like ferry boats Noah."

"Not like Daddy LOVE I LOVE ferry boats."


Meredith's POV:

This day is dragging on, I just want to go to the cafeteria and eat lunch so I can finally sit down. I've had back-to-back surgeries so I couldn't even message Derek to see how he and Noah are doing.

Richard- "Dr.Grey!"

Please not this again, I've told him I don't know if I would move back why can't he just drop it?

"Meredith, I just watched your surgery and I just wanted to comment on how much you have grown personally and in your skills I am very proud of you Meredith. And on that note, I know you have said you are not sure if you will come back out here but I want to remind you that my offer continues to stand Meredith."

Great, we're on this topic once again and I really don't want to be talking about this.

"Richard, thank you for the compliment but I really need to get going to George and Izzie for lunch, and I have calls to make."

"Just think about it Meredith, it would be beneficial for us all and with the recent passing of your mother."

Great, another topic I don't want to talk about, the death of my mother. My mother passed away last year, I had gotten her transferred back to Boston and held the funeral there very private, but that is the problem it was a private matter I don't need Richard bringing it up.

"Richard, I need to get going, I guess I'll see you around."


Finally, I've made it to lunch, finally, I can sit down and talk about anything other than well the topics I'm avoiding.

"Hey everyone, I can't believe I still have four hours left of my shift."

Alex- "Four hours? I have ten, trying being in my shoes."

Izzie-"10 hours! I'm on call and the neonatal doctor what's her, has me staying her all evening and morning."

George-" Sucks to be you, I'm off in 2 hours."

Cristina- "Oh shut up Bambi, I'm off now just wanted lunch before I left."

Their banter continues and I realize just how much I missed this, how much I missed them and the stories, the banter, the drinking. I've missed everything about our friend group, maybe it wouldn't be too bad if I came back here after all Derek is here.

"Sorry, guys I've got to go make a call."

Izzie- "To Derek?"

I can feel my cheeks going red and I knew I've been caught.

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