Chapter 2

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Meredith's POV:

I can't believe Noah walked off! He knows better than to just wander off, especially when he is in a new city with new surroundings. But we are on a ferryboat how far could he possibly wander? He can't be far, can he? Oh God, what if someone has kidnapped him?!

"Noah! Noah where are you?"


Derek's POV:

Noah- "Oh yea then my mummy would tell me all these stories about ferryboats! That's why I love them! Because mummy says my dad loves them. I've never met my daddy but mummy always says he is very nice and one day I can meet him! That would be so cool!"

Hearing Noah speak about his family and hearing that he has never met his father breaks my heart. All boys should grow up with a father unless, of course, their father dies like mine did. Noah continues to talk about changing subjects each second.

Noah- "I love the transformers! Bubble Bee is my favorite because he is so nice to everyone don't ya think?"

"I have to admit Noah I've never watched it!"


"You have to come to my house in Boston then and we can watch it together!"

"Maybe Noah, my job is a lot of work. Let's keep looking for your mum. Okay?"



Meredith's POV:

It's been half an hour now have I not found my son on this god damn ferry boat! The boat is small, Noah is small it shouldn't be this hard to find my son for god's sake! That's it I need to go to the captain and ask him if he could put a message out.

*Knock Knock*

Captain- "Come in."

"Hi, my name is Meredith Grey. My son has seemed to wander off on his own, I was wondering if it's okay with you, could talk over the speakerphone and maybe if it's not too much give a description and ask them to bring him here if found?"

Captain- "Why I don't see how that could be a problem ma'am, let me send the message out. You're more than welcome to sit here and wait."


"Attention everyone. Your captain here, we have a missing boy with dark brown blackish curls, blue eyes, age 5 wearing a grey transformers top. If you have seen him or are with him please bring him to the Captain's quarters where his family is waiting. Thank you enjoy the rest of your ride on the ferry."


Derek's POV:

Captain- "Attention everyone. Your captain here, we have a missing boy with dark brown blackish curls, blue eyes, age 5 wearing a grey transformers top. If you have seen him or are with him please bring him to the Captain's quarters where his family is waiting. Thank you enjoy the rest of your ride on the ferry."

Okay that's a good sign, his mother was and is looking for him now we just have to get there and then I know that Noah will be safe.

"Noah, did you hear that?"

"Yes but it sounded boring, can we go get something to eat please."

"Noah, I have to take you back to your mum, okay? That person that spoke is with her they are waiting for you to go there."

"But I'm hungryyyyyy."

"Noah, I'm not your dad okay? I need to take you back to your mum then you can ask her for food, okay?"

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