Chapter 19

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*Back in the present time*

Meredith's POV:

I woke up in Derek's arms and for a little while I forgot what we argued about last night and how he apologized but I'm still angry I told him something personal and sensitive and turns it as if he is the victim, and I suddenly don't want to stay in bed anymore. Luckily Derek is still asleep so I can sneak out before he wakes up, I just need to collect my thoughts and gain energy to face the day and no doubt a conversation about the events that unfolded last night.

It's not like I planned to get postpartum depression but Derek isn't letting me tell my side, I get that I didn't tell him and that I didn't come back for 5 years and he is mad but he told me multiple times that everything was fine and that he plays a part to blame. Then he goes and backtracks and turns it all on me?

I'm sitting outside on the swing, it's cold but it doesn't bother me, I just need to think about everything, have a moment to myself. I'm not sure what to do with the situation I know what was said was only said in the heat of the moment, but it still hurts.

Derek's POV:

I woke up and roll over to place my arm around Meredith but it was quickly greeted with cold sheets, I feel terrible for the things I said last night and what I implied but I was mad and upset, she went through all of this and if she had just told me I could have helped her... I could have helped her.

I make my out of bed and wrap myself in my robe and walk down the hall, I stop to peek into Noah's room thankfully he is still asleep. I look around the house to find Meredith but I can't find her, she is nowhere to be found. I make my way into the kitchen to brew some coffee and look out the window, there she was staring out into space. Maybe I should make her some coffee, a peace offering?

Meredith's POV:

I'm not sure how long I've been out but I know long enough to not feel the coldness of the air anymore, my mind is going a mile a minute I just can't stop blaming myself, this is my fault. I caused all of this mess, I caused Derek to miss out on Noah's life, and I caused Noah to miss out on knowing his father. This is my fault, I caused this.

I turn to look at the door as it creeks open and out walks Derek carrying two cups of coffee, I can feel the guilt growing stronger I look into Derek's eyes and I can see the guilt in them.

"Mer, I am so sorry about last night. I said some things that I should've it isn't just your fault. I know I have told you many times that we were both in the wrong, it was cruel of me to go back on what I said and suggest otherwise and imply that you weren't in the right mindset to look after Noah. I am incredibly sorry for what I said and have done and hope you accept my peace offering."

"Derek, you were right for some parts of it anyway, I am to blame I could have tried harder for you and Noah to meet each other, I had chances but I didn't take them. Derek, I am to blame but when I was going through my mental struggles I made sure Noah was doing well, he was put before me so in that area Derek, you were wrong."

I look Derek straight in the eyes I can tell he is feeling guilty and so do I after all I said some nasty things to him too.

"Derek I need to apologize too, last night I said some things to you that I do regret but you weren't listening to me, I didn't feel heard. At the time when I fell pregnant, all I could think about was how you were still with Addison, and when you and Mark both blocked me, it completely broke me, I at the time lost my only connection to you and then Noah came along."

Derek's POV:

Listening to Meredith I realize that I should have not done the things I did when she left, I should have reached out to her, to see if she was okay but I didn't I was mad at her for leaving, mad at myself for letting, and mad at myself for not choosing her and staying in my unhappy marriage.

"Mer, we have both realized we have both said things we didn't mean and regret. So please take the peace offering before it gets cold and come back to bed, I woke up to cold sheets."

"Did you not like waking up to cold sheets?"

"I did not, you weren't there to keep me warm."


"Dad wake up! Wake up!"

I slowly open my eyes and immediately I'm greeted with a pair of blue eyes staring me down, I look over at the clock 9:00 am, Mer and I must have gone back to sleep did we even drink our coffee?

"Come on dad, mum said to wake you up because she is going to make us breakfast."

Meredith making breakfast? Bad combination.

"Let's go downstairs before your mum burns the house down."


Noah and I walk into the kitchen, Mer's back is turned to face us as she dances to the music playing in the background. She is so into the music she doesn't hear us walk into the room.

Izzie- "So are you two going to just stand there and watch Mer dance or go see if her cooking is edible?"

Noah-"Mummy can cook real yummy eggs! I swear she can!"

"I guess we will just have to go and find out won't be Noah?"

Noah-"I'm telling the truth, promise!"

"So Mer, how're the eggs coming along?"

Meredith-"HOLY SHIT! Derek, you scared me! Don't sneak up on me like that."

Noah-"A dollar in the swear jar mummy!!"


Meredith's POV:

"For your information Derek Shepherd, the eggs were coming along just fine before you scared the living daylights out of me. Why didn't you make a sound when you walked in?"

"You looked too cute dancing to disturb just to ask the simple question of how breakfast is going."

"Well it was going great, and if we don't eat soon we're going to be late and who can never be late Noah?"


"Well chop, chop we have to leave soon."

I start the dishes and as I do I watch how Derek and Noah interact with each other and I know now that deciding to move here was the right choice, despite the disagreements with Derek this was the right choice for Noah.

Hey everyone so sorry for not updating been dealing with some mental health things. But I hope you liked this chapter I will try to update more frequently but can't guarantee anything.

Don't forget to vote and if you have advice or anything leave it in the comment section :)

Have a great day.

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