Chapter 9

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Chad was out taking a walk when he saw the three Misses appear in front of him.

"The Misses. How nice to see you" said Chad.

"Chad. We came to congratulate you" said Mrs Which.

"I knew Meg would catch a man. I never doubted her for a second" said Mrs Whatsit.

Mrs Who and Mrs Which looked at her with awkward expressions. 

Chad laughed and said "Thank you".

"But. There are other challenges to face. With our four young warriors, whenever they make a new friend, it results in an unsuspecting reproduction" said Mrs Which.

"An unsuspecting reproduction? I'm sorry, I don't follow" said Chad.

"It happens to every new love interest Meg or Sam finds. It happened to Murray, it happened to Paul McCartney, even Sam's brother got it" said Mrs Whatsit.

"And now that you are to marry Meg... we believe it is your time" said Mrs Which.

"My time? I'm dying?" said Chad.

Mrs Whatsit laughed and said "No. But you'll find out what we mean soon enough".

""Our time has come. Come on, let's start the show". Maia Mitchell. Australian" said Mrs Who.

Mrs Which created a blast of magic and swiped it over Chad's abdomen.

"What did you just do to me?" said Chad.

"Mrs Whatsit said. You will find out in time" said Mrs Which.

Meanwhile, Charles Wallace was doing his laundry in the apartment building's laundry room.

He saw Calvin doing his laundry while wearing the Warrior flag around his body.

"What are you doing, Cal?" said Charles Wallace.

"Separating my delicates" said Calvin casually.

"Is this really the level you're stooping to?" said Charles Wallace.

"No! This is the level I am stooping to" said Calvin taking off his underpants.

He put his undies in the washing machine and said "I believe that is flag to my body. Checkmate".

Charles Wallace stared at Calvin with his mouth and eyes wide open.

"Easy-peasy, ooh so breezy!" Calvin sassed swaying his hips.

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