Chapter 14

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After that, Chen Zeming remained silent and his face was ashamed

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After that, Chen Zeming remained silent and his face was ashamed.
  The emperor did not go down, and he can be regarded as keeping his promise. Chen Zeming felt even more uncomfortable because of this. If he could use the principles of not staining the mud and not being muddy to comfort him, then after that, he couldn't. The pleasure of that moment suddenly crushed all his self-sustainability.
  It turned out that such an unbearable thing, I am also happy about it.
  ...Does persistence really make sense?

  It was almost noon the next day to return to the mansion. When entering the mansion, the servants came up to lead the horse: "Master, there are guests visiting, waiting for you for half a day." Chen Zeming handed the whip to the servant, very strange in his heart.
  Stepping on the stone steps, a familiar voice came from the room: "Thanks to my uncle's rigorous tutoring, he has taught such a young talent and can be reused by the king."
  Chen Zeming was shocked and stopped.
  But the man had heard the movement, turned around, and smiled: "Master Chen, it's been a long time." When
  Chen Xi saw him, he hurriedly called: "Ming'er, this young man has been waiting for you for a long time... how come today? Later?"
  Chen Zeming stood in front of the hall and did not respond. His right hand seemed to be placed on the hilt of the sword at random, looking at the Right Hun King Xiong who got up from the seat next to his father.
  Chen Bi was surprised: "What?..."
  Lu Yan smiled and explained to the old man: "Uncle, Master Chen and his little nephew were originally just a fate because the little nephew admired too much, so he took the liberty to come here. I can't remember my nephew, so I should."
  Chen Zeming swept away, and there were two tall and mighty servants standing behind Lu Yan, their eyes narrowed, and they were masters. Seeing him look over, the two of them took another step in Chen Li's direction. Chen Zeming retracted his gaze, and Lu Yan smiled at him in front of him.
  Chen Mi said: "The conversation of Zuo Gongzi is very good, it is unforgettable, how could Minger forget it, Zuo Gongzi laughed."
  Chen Zeming lowered his eyes, squeezed the hilt of the sword, and replied: "Yes...Father, I just met at first sight. It was a pleasant surprise." He stepped into the threshold, untied the sword and placed it on the table, and then talked to the other party. See the ceremony.
  Then he asked his father to retreat to the back hall to rest.
  Chen Wei got up and said a few polite words with Lu Yan. Lu Yan responded with a smile, quite cooperative, without showing the slightest trace. Seeing Chen Wei's departure, the two guards looked back at Lu Yan. Lu Yan raised his hand, and the two men restrained their anger.
  When Chen Xi retreated, Lu Yanfu sat down again, and the guard on his left filled him with tea bowls. He took a sip and suddenly said: "
  Pour a glass for Master Chen, pour it ." Chen Zeming was angry and funny, and when he saw the guard approaching, his hands were tight, he was about to get into trouble, but he listened to Luyan not hurriedly. "My 24 guards are in ambush inside and outside the courtyard. General Chen wants the whole family to be safe. It's better to be less restless and restless." Chen Zeming was taken aback, thinking that since the other party was not far away and came to the capital, of course, there were more than those around him. personal. Can only let go and sit down.
  The guard really poured a cup of tea for him, and Chen Zeming took it silently without saying a word. Lu
  Yanqi said: "The general doesn't ask why I am here?" Chen Zeming glanced at him: "Why is the prince here?"
  Lu Yan felt uncomfortable, and pointed at him and said: "The general looks handsome, but he is a bit boring. "
  Chen Zeming snorted and said after a moment: "Thank you for the compliment."
  Lu Yan clapped his hands: "Rus can be taught."
  Chen Zeming saw that he was dressed up as a Han Confucian student. If it weren't for the scars on his face, he couldn't see the Huns at all. Shadow, his behavior, words, and deeds are obviously deeply influenced by the Han people, and he feels strange in his heart.
  Lu Yan received the folding fan, but didn't care about Chen Zeming's non-response: "This king is coming today, please lead the army."
  Chen Zeming looked at him for a moment: "No."
  Lu Yan smiled and said, "This king hasn't said that yet. Where are you going?"
  Chen Zeming said: " Nowhere ." Lu Yanyin smiled sadly: "
  The people in the yard, dozens of lives, are the generals ignored?!"
  Chen Zeming was silent and expressionless. Lu Yan took the opportunity to say: "I only saw the little emperor, and I didn't intend to kill anyone. Think about it, I really want to kill the emperor and alarm the 100,000 armies in the capital. Can I retreat all over? How can I say that too? You are a prince, and you should be
  killed if you want to kill yourself. Why should the general be so rigid?" Chen Zeming remained silent, and after a moment, he said, "

  What do you see him for?" This is a very spacious car. But the bluestone road was bumpy and it was uncomfortable to sit up. Chen Zeming lifted the driving curtain, looked around for a moment, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "The road is wrong, Lord."
  Lu Yan sat opposite, looking at him thoughtfully.
  At the end of the road is a small courtyard. It is early autumn at this moment, and the leaves are golden, like clouds covering the top of the head. Chen Zeming jumped out of the car and laughed: "Didn't the prince want to enter the palace, why did he bring me here?" Looking around for a while, he praised: "What a quiet place."
  Lu Yan followed, "That's just an excuse. .. I just took the general, do I dare to enter the palace with many levels? Isn't it a snare? Since the general sees it through, why bother to ridicule me? This is a courtyard I just bought. If the general likes it, give it to the general. How."
  Chen Zeming looked at him coldly: "That's not necessary. If the prince is kind, you might as well remove the twenty-four guards from my house. Chen is already grateful."
  Lu Yan said with a smile, "Don't worry, don't worry. "When I
  entered the yard, someone served wine and food. It was very rich. Obviously, I prepared it before, just waiting for him to come. Chen Zeming smiled slightly and was not polite, picking up his chopsticks and eating, he was already hungry.
  Lu Yan said: "Isn't afraid of me poisoning?"
  Chen Zeming said, "So what?"
  Lu Yan nodded: " How happy is life, and how afraid is death."
  Chen Zeming trembles slightly, the food and drink in his mouth suddenly lose his taste, and his hands are light. Slow down. Lu Yan personally poured a glass of wine for him: "Come on! From the day I saw General Chen on the battlefield, I wanted to drink like this. The heroes in the world are all out of my generation and can drink against such a strong opponent, and it is a life. A great event."
  Chen Zeming hesitated for a moment, and finally raised the cup, perhaps the respect from the enemy makes it harder to refuse. At this moment someone is getting started, and Lu Yan glanced at it and said: "The Twenty-Four Guards have been withdrawn, the general can drink
  happily. Today we are drunk and have a rest ." Chen Zeming was very surprised. He thought that Lu Yan must take his family. It is to achieve certain goals before you can stop, but now you can let them go easily. Why? It can be seen that Lu Yan's face is sincere, but it is not like a lie, and he nodded and said: "Thank you so much for your love."
  He was puzzled, Lu Yan's pomp here is not small, how did so many people hide from the capital. The guards came in, what is their purpose here? But this is not something that can be figured out in a short while, you can only take a step forward and look at it one step at a time.
  The two chatted with each other as they drank, but they also had a very happy conversation. Later, when it comes to the dispatch of troops by the Huns, Chen Zeming accused the opposing troops of unjustified troops, which caused the lives of people to be overwhelmed and the people's livelihood. Lu Yan laughed, do you think the Han people never insult our people or snatch our livestock? It's not half a catastrophe. The world has always respected the strong, but now it's just a weak soldier, unable to resist the Huns invading, so I can only pull out this fig leaf of benevolence and righteousness.
  At this point, it was stiff. Seeing that it was already unhappy, and it was impossible to tear the last face, Chen Zeming suppressed his anger and stood up to say goodbye.
  Lu Yan shouted: "Stop." He got up as he said, and walked around Chen Zeming. "The general is so stubborn... Is it because of innate loyalty or because of the grace of rain and dew?"
  Chen Zeming couldn't understand this just as he heard the words. When he reacted, he seemed to be struck suddenly by sap, and the gold star appeared in front of him, he squatted back for a half step, and his face turned pale.
  Lu Yan looked at him pityingly: "It's been spread all over Beijing, and I've only been here for two days as an outsider." Chen Zeming stared at him in a daze, saying in his heart, really, everyone knows the truth.
  Lu Yan smiled and said: "I have heard a lot of things... Has he seen you as a human being? Why do you have to be so persistent? What can a general like this do? Why not come to our Huns, isn't there a lot of freedom?"
  Chen Zemingwang He still couldn't speak.
  Lu Yan patted him on the shoulder and whispered quietly: "I know it will be difficult to decide for a while, you have enough time to weigh it." He smiled at him, stuffed something in his arms, and waved to him. Walking outside the door, the attendants followed and left.
  Chen Zeming was awakened by the occasional bird singing above his head when there was silence around him, and he did not know how long he had been standing.
  He took out the piece of paper in his arms and opened it. The word "Land Deed" was written on the top of it, but the small print at the bottom was shaking so hard that it could not be seen clearly. He calmed himself for a while, and couldn't help tearing the piece of paper to shreds. A gust of wind blew up the debris between his fingers, creating a scene of snowflakes dancing in an instant. They gradually fell to the ground, fell into the mud in Erran, eroded by sewage, and then sank and disappeared. Everything is silent. Chen Zeming watched this scene, slowly moved back, and suddenly tripped over the roots of the trees exposed behind his feet, and fell to sit down.

=My Note=

Hello Tonetteyn is here

please comment down below of this sentence your feedback about how I post this chapter if there is some problem regarding this chapter so I can fix it up and improve also this is my first time doing this stuff so sorry if there is any mistake regarding in this post

- Tonetteyn

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