Chapter 109

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28. Many days later, Chen Zeming received a new appointment in the army.
  Although it was just a mere imperial decree, a lot of information could be revealed, such as Xiao Ding's support for sending troops stronger and more resolute, and the rare reliance and trust of having the generals alone in the army after a big victory reappeared. Chen Zeming was aware of these.
  However, the urgency of the situation could not allow him to continue to speculate on this piece of silk. After receiving the order, the army set off on the same day, retreated eight hundred miles, and reached a town called Rongzhuang. King Jing parted ways with him here, leading half of the army back to the capital.

  At this moment, the court of the Huns was in chaos just as Chen Zeming and Xiao Ding had expected.
  For Chu Jun Antu, the news of the death of Youxian Wang Luyan made him both sad and happy. Sadly, the Huns have lost one of the strongest generals since then. What is happy is that their most difficult political opponents have been taken away although they were killed by the enemy, their own strength has not been damaged in the end-now he has to deal with Asi, who lost his arm so painfully, is already a piece of cake.
  However, he was still a little sober after all.
  The Huns had exhausted all the fighting power of King Youxian in this battle with the Tang, and nearly one-fifth of the country's population was killed in battle.
  This is a terrible number.
  The Huns and □□ are very different on this point. □□ The population is densely populated, and the land is rich in resources. Although the Xiongnu's territory is also very large, it is sparsely populated. Although everyone knows that everyone is a soldier, the Huns will herd cattle and sheep when they are off horses, and they can charge forward when they are on horses, but after all, the number of people has to do so. Although Da Shanyu dreamed of conquering a wealthy land, he did not occupy the Central Plains. The mentality of occupying land is king. In the final analysis, it is because the small population of the Huns manages the millions of Han people, which is undoubtedly whimsical in the long run. Therefore, he would rather support Du Jindan to proclaim the emperor and rule Han by Han.
  In other words, at this moment, although 600,000 troops have been lost, which is far larger than the Huns in terms of numbers, in terms of population ratio, the losses of the two countries are really evenly matched.
  In this situation, as the next monarch, Antu should consider the overall interests, not just his own personal gains and losses.
  So Antu didn't pay attention to his brother who had been staring at him for a short time.
  He sent his subordinates to test the tone of the important ministers in the DPRK, hoping to gain wider support during the transfer of power in the past few months when he took office.
  At this time, rumors arose in the Wang Court.
  Everyone heard that Antu was going to kill Asi. The rumors were circulated so much that they were very vivid, and people could even tell who Antu colluded with and talked about when secretly plotting.
  Asi also heard this rumor. After Lu Yan died, he had been in panic all day long, and he was immediately frustrated.
  The subsequent result was logical, and Asi was unwilling to do so and died in a hurry. This underprepared rebellion is giving Antu the best excuse to get rid of him.
  Soon Antu led the troops to counter the rebellion and killed his own brother and several officials who followed Asi during the war, and finally completely wiped out the alien power.
  But it was precisely because of this that the Huns eventually lost the ability to continue entanglement with the □□.
  And soon, a large troop that had clearly retired appeared again on the border between the two countries.
  Xindan Yu Antu didn't hesitate for long. He quickly made a judgment on the situation and immediately sent an envoy to Xiao Ding to seek peace.
  Partisan struggles have always caused internal friction, and it is always the enemy of the country that ultimately benefits. Neither the punk nor the Huns were able to escape such an iron rule.

  Chen Zeming, who re-garrisoned the border, did not wait long. The envoys of the Huns came with gold and silver to drive the camel and horse, and they also brought the covenant, hoping to stop the war.
  Among those gifts, there is one most special thing. It was a group of people, the former young king, and his ministers. As soon as he entered the barracks, this special gift was detained by the army.
  The envoy of the Huns quickly realized after being puzzled, this kind of greed for merit is not uncommon on the battlefield.
  He calmly responded to the careful inquiry of the coach Chen Zeming, and then euphemistically stated that the Huns had never abused the captured monarchs and all the Han vassals, and now he has finally returned to Zhao. He expressed relief and seemed to have finally returned a beloved object that others had urged him to store elsewhere.
  Chen Zeming just smiled at such remarks. He quickly arranged manpower to escort the envoys to Beijing as soon as possible. He was not in the mood to deal with such vain remarks, and it was time for Yang Ruqin and the others to show their talents.

  Lu Congyun was appointed by Chen Zeming to be responsible for the food, clothing, housing, and transportation of these unfortunate people.
  Many of these people were former senior officials.
  After being captured, they were escorted by the Huns to the Xiongnu homeland. They walked all the way, and many elderly and weak people died. Soon after arriving at the Huns, he heard that the situation in the two countries had changed suddenly, and was sent back. Fortunately, the treatment was improved on the way back, and finally, I was able to ride a car without walking, but this round trip is really not the hardship that ordinary people can bear, and most of the people who can survive are also tortured by fatigue and pain.
  Lu Congyun is calm, careful, and considerate. Hosting things like this is originally the most suitable. Sure enough, a few days later, everyone was praised for Lu Congyun's thoroughness and praised Chen Zeming for making arrangements.
  In addition to Lu Congyun's own excellence, the mentality of the repatriated ministers is also worth seeing. As the saying goes, once the emperor and the courtiers, they are all ministers of the former emperor Xiao Jin, but now it is Xiao Ding. The world. Today, who is the celebrity under Xiao Ding's hands, of course, is Chen Zeming, who has turned things around in this battle, and Lu Congyun is his close guard officer.
  With such an analysis, it is clear whether those compliments are moist or not.
  But Lu Congyun didn't care. He treated everyone the same and didn't make any difference because of the reaction of the other party. Some people praised him for acting calmly and as a general.
  However, no matter what he will be in the future, he is still just a low-ranking guard at the moment. Among the down-and-out officials he has received, there are many high-ranking officials. Among them are the future eternal ministers and the fierce ones who will come back in the future. will. At this moment, Lu Congyun's interactions with them now have a huge impact on his future journeys on foot. At this moment, it is still not obvious.

  Chen Zeming quickly met Xiao Jin.
  The young man who used to make a bold statement to make a career to show him was already frightened and weak at this moment.
  When Lu Congyun found him, he was mixed in the crowd. Although he had changed his costume, he was shrinking. The eunuch surnamed Huang, who had been with him before had already died on the road. After Xiao Ding ascended the throne and assumed an attitude of ignoring his life and death, Xiao Jin, who was lifted from the throne, had already lost his original value in the eyes of his ministers or enemies.
  With the previous defeat of Xuanhua Mansion and the capture of everyone, he could not shirk the blame, which made him isolated and helpless among his family. The reason why others didn't scold insults in person, but because he cared about the dignity of his once nine-five-year-old, it's not easy to tear this face in person. But the hardship of the situation itself and the indifference that most people form a consensus, and even cynicism, have made this young man who is nearly a weak crown miserable. And the sudden repatriation afterward made his panic even worse.
  It wasn't until Lu Congyun said that the head coach of the garrison was Chen Zeming at the moment, that Xiao Jin rushed out as if he had just awakened from a dream.

  When he arrived at the tent, Xiao Jin's heart relaxed for the first time when he saw that Chen Zeming's face in the camp was full of surprises that could not be concealed, and he hurried up to meet him.
  Only him, he is the only one among all the people who have not changed.
  He never wanted to see those other people, those people again.
  why? Why was I so obsessed with my heart in the first place, and why did I believe Du Jintan's words and doubt this person? It would be great if this wrong choice had not been made at the beginning, and it would be great if none of this had happened.
  Xiao Jin hugged the other's generous chest and wept bitterly. It seemed that the drowning man was clutching the last bunch of straw on the shore. He kept calling out the words Wei Wang.
  It was a spell that could solve the nightmare, and he had been indulged in this nightmare for too long.
  Chen Zeming allowed him to hold himself, and stood silently for a moment, then gently pulled his arms away with his backhand, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "...Your Royal Highness, the minister is no longer King Wei..."
  ... ...Your Highness?
  Xiao Jin's heart jumped. He didn't think of something until this moment. He looked around, and his body suddenly felt cold. When he was captured, he had expected countless times to see this person again, but when he saw it, he realized that It's nothing more than that.
  He stood up straight, and after a long time, he whispered: "...He really is the emperor again?!"
  Chen Zeming pondered for a moment and nodded slightly.
  Xiao Jin took a step back quietly, and slowly said, "So... Is General Chen planning to take me to Beijing to die?"
  Chen Zeming looked at him in surprise, hesitated, and did not answer for a moment.
  Despair flashed in Xiao Jin's eyes. On the way, because he was afraid of everyone's indifference, he would not ask as a last resort, but at this moment, there was great courage in his heart and he dared to question: "..., Why did General Chen support me?!"
  Chen Zeming was clearly stung by his words, his complexion changed drastically, and he stretched out his hand as if he wanted to catch Xiao Jin.
  Xiao Jin swiftly avoided. He almost shouted, his words full of sorrow and resentment: "So! Now, the rebels are still leading soldiers as generals, but are the puppets going to die first?!"
  Chen Zeming shook his body suddenly. , His voice became a bit hoarse, and his tone seemed to be begging him, "Your Highness!!"
  However, when he took a step further, Xiao Jin took a step back and refused to let him come closer.

  On the second day, Chen Zeming led several cronies out of the camp to check the terrain.
  At this time, the border is calm, and all parties are waiting for the conclusion of the peace talks. It should be said that no one wants to continue fighting this kind of war of attrition, and this kind of behavior is just prepared.
  Chen Zeming brought Xiao Jin and Wei Hanjue with him, saying that he was letting the two teenagers go hunting.
  After walking forty miles out of the barracks and reaching a shallow river, Chen Zeming called the guards, vacated an empty horse, and took out a package, and said to Xiao Jin: "The minister can only be sent here."
  Xiao Jin stared at Chen Zeming for a long while. , Finally understood that he was going to let himself run away. After being sluggish for a moment, he suddenly wailed and cried, holding the reins of Chen Zeming tightly in his hands, and refused to let go.
  Chen Zeming got off his horse and said, "His Royal Highness is alone on the road from now on. Be careful."
  Xiao Jin raised his eyes to look at him, deeply regretting that he had spoken too loudly yesterday. "Wang Wei, King Wei!" He murmured, "...I'm do you tell the emperor brother?"
  Chen Zeming smiled, "There is always a way to hide."
  Xiao Jin still refused to leave.
  Hesitated, " Yes, but...Where should I go?" Chen Zeming sighed. Often times the world was so big that he felt at a loss, let alone Xiao Jin. He stretched out his arms to hug Xiao Jin in his arms, tightened, and whispered: "The farther you go, the better, don't let people find you."
  Xiao Jin looked at him dimly, bewildered by tears.
  Wei Hanjue next to him shook his head slightly. He was called out by Chen Zeming. He already felt that things were strange. After watching a scene, he realized that Chen Zeming was using himself as a pretense, and he really made this idea.

  Chen Zeming watched Xiao Jin ride down the river, his thin and lonely back dragged a long and narrow shadow in the sunlight.
  He didn't know where Xiao Jin could go, he didn't know if such a spoiled child could live in the folks, and he didn't know whether this action was right or wrong. He once arranged a life for Xiao Jin, but the outcome was bleak. If it is time to turn back and everything can be overturned, he will not let this young man step into this muddy water again. However, the reality has reached the situation where he is today. How can he let Xiao Jin bear the cruelest consequences, but he himself Watches the fire from the other side is alone?
  The autumn sun was still very dazzling, he suddenly felt that his eyes were blurred, the landscape and trees were splashed into one, and it was gradually darkening. He shook his head heavily and then opened his eyes. The sceneries were still mixed together or were torn openly or secretly. It took a while before they gradually returned to normal from the magical distortion.

 The author has something to say:
Wiping sweat, and finally maintaining the speed of Zhou Geng~~
Small changes~~

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