Chapter 61

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23. Xiao Ding was a little surprised when he saw the people standing at the door. After being quiet for a while, he turned his head back without saying a word and offered a light cup. It seemed that such an accident hadn't happened before, and he had never seen this person.
  The place where the candlelight jumped, even more, revealed the loneliness of the people in the house.
  Chen Zeming stood for a moment but stepped in.

  Chen Zeming asked the guard to take the wine glasses and chopsticks, and instead of saying hello to Xiao Ding, he sat down by himself.
  The two drank a few cups each in silence.
  Although there was a brazier burning in the house, the cold spring was still cold, and the slight warmth still couldn't match the cool breeze coming in through the cracks in the door. The wine was not hot anymore, and it was even more chilling when drinking it. Chen Zeming asked someone to come in and took it out to review it.
  Xiao Ding suddenly said: "I used to live alone at Zhengdan. At this time of year, Taifu and Yang Liang were not allowed to enter the palace for five consecutive days. I counted the holiday past, and on the morning of the sixth day, they came... "
  Chen Zeming slowly sipped the wine.
  He couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. He pushed aside the hatred and saw the person in front of him always make him feel a lot of flavors. The feeling seemed to have nothing to do with love and hatred, but he always got a pain in his bones and couldn't breathe smoothly.
  Xiao Ding smiled, "Once when Yang Liang saw that I was really bored, he asked me to put on the clothes of a book boy and took me out of the palace. We were on the street... I still remember the largest restaurant on the street, on the window. There are always bamboo curtains. The curtains are very old and the tops are shiny, so I dare not touch them. When he called for wine, the guy dragged his throat to talk, and the voice was so loud that everyone downstairs could hear..., We were drinking while watching the crowds downstairs. He always had interesting things in his mouth. Almost everyone knew him, and they all greeted
  him with a smile..." He showed a memorial look, with a long-expression on his face. Years of confusion also carried longing.
  "In fact, Yang Liang was a fifteen or six-year-old boy at the time, but it seems that all of them are his friends. I still don't understand how he did it. Maybe some people are born like this and are easy to get close to others. ..."

  Chen Zeming remembered the acquaintance with Yang Liang, and couldn't help but laugh. It's true.
  Xiao Ding continued: "But we always go back to the palace soon, and we can't stay too long, because his book boy is still hiding in the palace in my clothes. Six times. After I became the throne... he never mentioned it again."
  He narrowed his smile, his expression changed and seemed to show some cruelty.
  Chen Zeming was a little startled. He didn't understand why such an expression appeared when he thought of Yang Liang.
  Xiao Ding said slowly: "His father is Taifu Yang... Taifu Yang is a strict teacher and even a harsh father. After he noticed the clues, he beat Yang Liang. After Yang Liang didn't come to study for a whole month, I asked him. ..., Taifu Yang said that his son was not behaving properly, so he changed the family law and healed his injuries at home. So I understood. I had to stay away from him. Taifu Yang beat his son, but I was the one who warned
  him ." He was stuck for a long time. Deeply frowned in deep contemplation, it seems that he is still suffering from this at this moment.
  "Not long after I took the throne, Taifu went away due to illness. Before he died, he dragged my hand and said that he finally persisted until the dawn of dawn, and did not live up to my wholehearted support. He asked me to take Yang Liang sent to the border gate, asking his only son to guard the important town and the territory for me for the rest of his life. could I not understand his mind..."
  Xiao Ding closed his mouth and stopped talking. His expression was indifferent. With the sarcasm, there was no such a rare daze at the beginning.
  Chen Zeming opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he remained silent. When the soldier brought in warm wine, he poured a glass of wine for Xiao Ding.

  Xiao Ding thought, a smile came up at the corner of his mouth, but the smile at the moment was no longer the warmth it was before, and it was a little malicious.
  "I trapped Yang Liang by my side. After a year or two, Yang Liang didn't say anything. He couldn't say anything at that time. But in fact, I know that the killing of my first ascension to Dabao had long been let to Taifu. I was shocked by him because Taifu's condition suddenly worsened. So...Yang Liang also changed. He felt that I had abandoned his father's philosophy and failed to take the lead in the character of benevolence. His father was for this reason. Helping me to the position of God, but I turned my face and forgot. He felt unfair for his father's efforts. He thought that I despised his father, so he couldn't tolerate it..."

  Chen Zeming also knows the rest, and Yang Liang and Xiao Ding's gradual distance from each other is the source of this.
  Xiao Ding sighed slightly, but there was no sign of remorse, "It's really pedantic! It's me who is the destiny, but they are going to show me how to be an emperor and a benevolent emperor... Isn't it enough to keep the people peaceful? Is sincere service not enough? I even reused you for this. Isn't it enough?"
  Chen Zeming suddenly raised his head, Xiao Ding stared at him like a falcon.
  Chen Zeming's heart throbbed wildly, there were sighs for knowing the details, some shocked by being suddenly regarded as a target, and some shocked by the words that hit the center of the center. After a long silence, he could say: "I can have today. Gift."
  Xiao Ding looked at him for a long while and finally smiled: "I have today, and I have you. You can be considered talented if you can force me to do this. If so, why not take the opportunity to have a drink. "
  Chen Zeming toasted and responded silently.
  Both of them drank in one drink and took photos of each other.

  Xiao Ding drank to his head, sang at the festival, occasionally passionate, sometimes depressed, sad and angry. When he was detained here, the tiger fell into the river, and the feelings in his heart and the pressure he underwent were not imaginable by ordinary people. It was just shocking to vent at this moment.
  Chen Zeming listened quietly, even though there were constant waves in his heart, there were few words.
  From the brazier in the room, sparks burst out from time to time, making their faces bright and dark.
  That night, the two of them seemed to have forgotten their bitter hatred for each other, and finally, they were able to get along with each other peacefully in the cold spring when the snow had not melted.

  I don't know how long it has passed. When Chen Zeming was awakened by the cold behind and looked up, the brazier beside him had already gone out, and there was no trace of sparks among the gray charcoal. The food on the table was so cold that white oily spots were condensed.
  Chen Zeming looked around and finally realized that Xiao Ding had fallen at his feet. He lay quietly on his back under the table, not knowing when he slipped down.
  Chen Zeming got up and couldn't help shaking. He drank two rounds of wine, and even the best amount of wine could not hold it. After bending down and pulling Xiao Ding up, he realized that Xiao Ding was so drunk and awake.
  Chen Zeming simply bent over and hugged him horizontally.
  After walking a few steps, he put him down in front of the bed, pulled the quilt over, thought for a while, stretched out his hand to untie his belt.
  As soon as his hand touched the belt, he suddenly seemed to hear someone say "undress" in his ear. Chen Zeming was startled and immediately closed his fingers. After a while, I realized that the noise was just a conjecture in my own mind.

  He lowered his eyes, lifted it up again after a while, sat next to the collapse, and carefully looked at Xiao Ding on the bed, silent for a long while.
  After hesitating several times, he finally lifted him up and leaned on his shoulders, removed his coat for him, then put it on and covered him with a quilt.
  He stared at him.
  Even in his sleep, Xiao Ding always closed his mouth tightly and didn't say any dream language, but frowned deeply. It seemed that the distress outside the dream continued in the dream, and there was no joy.
  Chen Zeming couldn't help but get attached, and when he felt it, his forehead was already touching Xiao Ding. It's unusually warm everywhere.
  He was startled and jumped up suddenly.

  Chen Zeming's whole body was shaken with a "bang" behind him, and he sweated out instantly. Turning around to look, it was only the door leaf being pushed open by the wind, and the cold wind rushed in, as a devil may cry through the hall.
  Seeing no one outside the door, Chen Zeming was finally able to feel relieved and glanced at him in a hurry. Fortunately, Xiao Ding was still asleep.
  Chen Zeming lowered his head and stood blankly for a moment, how could he dare to look again and retreat in panic.

  In the next few months, Chen Zeming found an excuse to oust Pu Han, promote his former general Yan Qing to general, and take over as the commander of the palace. All other ministers who have defended Xiao Dingzhi's words and deeds will also be demoted or demoted or demoted. relegate.
  On the other hand, because of high hopes for Xiao Jin, Chen Zeming was also very strict with him.
  Before the affairs of the court, it was Xiao Jin sitting in the hall and listening to the ministers' disputes. In the end, Du Jintan and Chen Zeming had decided, and he just nodded.
  On the contrary, he was peaceful, not very interested in this kind of thing. After a year, he only recognized a few important ministers. Some of the others have a familiar face, and those who stand farther away may not even recognize their faces. He did not advocate for the transfer of Zuo Qian. Often it was Du Jintan and Chen Zeming who said what they were.
  Chen Zeming shook his head secretly, and could only grasp Xiao Jin's riding and shooting lessons more tightly, hoping to let Xiao Jin understand something in his words and deeds. The reason for doing things.
  Since he supports Xiao Jin, he really hopes that the other party can become a great king, so that after a hundred years, people will look back and see that what he did was at least not wrong.

  Xiao Jin gradually became slack in his shooting skills. In the name of the practice, he was digging a rabbit hole under a tree with his attendants and came across Chen Zeming to see him.
  When Chen Zeming saw it, he was angry and didn't say anything about him. He just stood under the tree and looked at the tree hole.
  Xiao Jin hurriedly said he was planning to practice immediately after he got the rabbit.
  Chen Zeming said: "Your Majesty doesn't want to practice anymore, please speak to the minister."
  Xiao Jin was really angry when he saw that he moved, and he didn't dare to speak. Seeing that Chen Zeming was about to go, he continued to say: "I didn't mean that."
  Chen Zeming turned around and played: "The minister only knows that dripping water through the stone heaven is rewarding for work, but he has never heard that laziness can be a major event. It is not important to learn how to bow and arrow. , But if your majesty can treat the things you love like this, you can see what attitude you will have in other things. The minister is incapable of leading long live to practice bow shooting, please long live to find another mentor."
  Xiao Jin was taken by him. After this speech, I was speechless for a while, so I had to say: "I understand, I will

  constrain ." Chen Zeming became an emperor himself, and sometimes he thinks of what Yang Liang's father thought was. The master was at the last moment of his life. , Did you regret it? Then he said that he would let his son stay away from the capital and be a side general.
  He could figure out that Yang Ting initially thought that Xiao Ding should be a benevolent and firm emperor. The best monarch in the eyes of the ministers was always the lord of Yao and Shun, but Xiao Ding who appeared in the end was a cruel, ruthless, and ruthless emperor, as soon as he came to power. That hand killing shocked the Quartet.
  The deviation between ideal and reality has always been so great.
  He was surprised, how about Xiao Jin, would he surprise him?

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This Sunday is more~

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