Chapter 98

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17. However, contrary to the life and death between them, both of them suddenly realized their responsibilities as a monarch or as a courtier, and assumed the attitude they should have.
  On the way, Chen Zeming had already drawn up a list in his mind. He needed someone who was capable and relatively familiar to execute his orders.
  Once the roster was put forward, Xiao Ding immediately agreed.
  For the loyal minister who is willing to turn the tide at this moment, Xiao Ding is moved, whether this touch is true or false, at least it looks like that on the surface. He promised several rewards. It sounds like as long as the siege outside the city can be solved, Chen Zeming will not only be able to stand up but will also be able to make a comeback on the road of power and recreate glory.
  Chen Zeming did not evade but just bowed his head to thank you, just as every courtier should do at this moment.
  They once did not share the same sky, they just met as usual and then separated.
  After Chen Zeming came out of the palace, he immediately rushed to the barracks and went up to the tower. Xiao Ding's reward followed. It includes all kinds of daily necessities such as clothes, bedding, food, etc. The rich and complete content fully reflects the emperor's trust in trust.
  Duan Qiyi was transferred to the rank of deputy commander, Duguhang was appointed as the vanguard, and the other generals were promoted to the next level, and they were rewarded accordingly. This series of actions was completed within half a day, Chen Zeming's actions were not unpleasant, and Xiao Ding's response was always in the shadows.

  Such a big move couldn't be concealed from Lu Yan who was only a few tens of miles away.
  Lu Yan smiled and gave a strange command to relax the rhythm of the siege. This relaxation is not all relaxation, only for the southwest gate guarded by Duan Qiyi.
  A few days later, rumors began to appear in Beijing, saying that the Third Road Qin Wangjun was also completely destroyed.
  The city was already panicking, the appearance of this statement almost immediately broke everyone's hearts, and soon it spread ten to ten, and this frightening news quickly spread throughout the capital. The official had to issue a notice to refute the rumor, saying that the rumor was purely forgery, and the court has not yet received clear information from other King Qin troops. However, the rumors are still intensifying, and there is a tendency to start a prairie fire.
  Until the end, some people in Baiguanzhong began to question whether the court had really concealed front-line news. Of course, no one dared to say this on the table. However, private exchanges caused a long-dead remark to begin to rise, that is, the Southern Tour Proposal that Xiao Ding resolutely rejected.

  In an early morning, this topic was boldly raised. The performance is Xiao Ding's Yu Shi Zhong Cheng Qi See Zhe.
  Yushitai originally had a supervisory function, and it was an official's duty to reflect the instability of the people in the capital at this moment. However, this Qi Zhongcheng was either out of concern for the monarch or out of cherishment of his own life. After reflecting on the rumored situation, by the way, he proposed that after the battle of Xuanhua Mansion, Kyoto's grain reserves were insufficient. Now that the rescue is not effective, if you continue to defend it, it is likely to be speculation that is waiting to die, and suggests that Xiao Ding consider a way to break through the fortunate south.
  This speech stirred up waves in the North Korean debate.
  The persistence faction and the breakout faction launched a fierce debate.
  The insistence faction said that the risk of going out of the city is too great. Long live to go to the danger in person. If one is not well guarded, there will be a lifelong hatred. The breakout faction said that staying here is just boiling frogs in warm water. In short, the two factions have their own truths, and each has its own camp. They defeated the banner of loyal protection of the Lord. Xiao Ding, who was tightly guarded by them, felt a headache.

  At this time, Duan Qiyi's opinions from the front dominated everyone's sight.
  Duan Qiyi said that because the capital occupies a large wall, the Huns' encirclement is not leaking. At least the southwest gate he guards is not flat due to uneven terrain, and it is not convenient for horses. The offensive of the Huns is very insufficient. Place.
  Xiao Ding pondered.
  Duan Qiyi's narration provided the possibility for the breakout theory, and the voice of abandoning the city for a while became the mainstream in the court.
  And because of frequent frontline defeats, Xiao Ding did not resolutely deny this resolution as before.
  In his mind, there was actually some disappointment implicit at this time. Even if he suppresses the knot and uses Chen Zeming, all Chen Zeming can do is to replace Duan Qiyi and continue to defend the city. Both are defending, and the former cannot be guarded just because the former is a famous general. The Jian Code indicates that there is still a long wait after that. In the process of waiting, no one knows what will happen.
  Xiao Ding has the heart to live and die with Jingcheng, but that is because he wants to turn defeat into victory in desperate situations, not because he is tired of living and wants to accompany everyone to self-destruction.
  At the end of the early dynasty, he abnormally failed to dismiss Yushi Zhongcheng's performance, he only left two words-discuss it again.

  Chen Zeming was shocked when he heard this change during the war, and immediately sent someone to recall the talkative Duan Qiyi.
  After the day-to-day attacks of the Huns came to an end, Chen Zeming arranged the manpower and went into the palace by himself to see Xiao Ding.
  Xiao Ding immediately invited him into the palace.
  When Chen Zeming saw Xiao Ding, he opened the door and said: "You can't abandon the city."
  Xiao Ding saw that his helmet was not taken off, his face was dusty, and he knew that he was coming back from the front. , Said: "It doesn't matter what Aiqing has to say."
  Chen Zeming knelt and played: "The Huns are accustomed to the technique of encircling three faults and one. They have always lured the enemy out of the city, cut off the way behind them, set up ambushes on the plains to encircle and suppress, long live Are you sure that once you get out of the city, the car will drive faster than the enemy's steed? By then, the enemy will be surrounded by five, and he wants to retreat to the city. It is absolutely impossible. Where else can
  he escape in the encirclement?" He was angry in his heart, and his words were extremely direct.
  Xiao Ding's face became a little stiff, and he was silent.
  Chen Zeming said: "Originally, the capital city wall was high and the city was strong. Soldiers can use it to resist enemies several times their own. If they really want to go outside the city wall, these advantages will disappear. What kind of fast-horse swords can the soldiers use to resist the enemy?"
  Xiao Ding said: "There is not enough food and grass in the city."
  Chen Zeming said: "There are many officials and merchants in Beijing, and each family has surplus grain. If it can be collected, it will be enough to support the arrival of reinforcements."
  Xiao Ding said: "The strength of the reinforcements is not strong."
  Chen Zeming said: "Long live, please send out spies to detect the positions of the kings of Qin and order them to keep in touch with each other and not easily contact with the Huns to prevent each other from defeating each other. After the rendezvous of the forces of the kings of Qin is completed, the Huns will make a surprise attack. It's not easy to succeed. At that time, the front office of the palace will echo each other in the city, flanking back and forth, wouldn't the odds of winning be hundreds of times higher
  than that of fleeing at this moment ?" Xiao Ding was silent, and he did not approve of the decision to abandon the city and flee at this moment and stick to it. He proposed it at first and asked him to turn around and immediately admit that his judgment turned out to be wrong, and he was not very happy.
  He stared at Chen Zeming for a long time, and the court officials were red-faced. Their speech contained great principles of selflessness and a small abacus for selfishness. What about this person, is the public or selfish?

  Chen Zeming did not retreat in his gaze. He didn't know when he was not afraid of Xiao Ding's scrutiny. He could imagine what Xiao Ding was thinking at the moment. They were too familiar with each other. Xiao Ding's suspicion is non-existent all the time. It comes from his accumulated habit in the deep palace. Chen Zeming would be surprised when it ceased to exist.
  After such a long time, Xiao Ding finally said, "How confident are you that you will retreat?"
  Chen Zeming immediately said: "50%."
  Xiao Ding looked left and right, and someone from the Li supervisor came up to scold him, "No more than 50%. ?!, how dare cross any of the generals Long live the lives of child's play, "
  Chen Zeming without looking at the eunuch, look set Xiao said:" Long live if abandon the city, it would be only 10%. "
  And they were all frightened, scared that he could be so bold rude, The fear is that this abandoned city is really so thrilling, then this besieged nightmare can only continue?
  Xiao Dingdong did not move and leaned on the seat, his eyes faintly angry, staring at Chen Zeming without speaking.
  Chen Zeming calmly said: "Long live, think twice."
  Xiao Ding smiled suddenly, and then casually moved the topic to another place, "that night, how did Aiqing feel about the memorials that night?"
  Chen Zeming was slightly startled and immediately realized what he said. It was those memorials that please cut the rebellion, and his eyes darkened.
  Although he knew that Xiao Ding was suspicious of him, but in the end, he was committed to his country. It was not unhearted to be hit by someone so head-on. After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "Long live benevolence, you can forgive your minister without death under a felony. The criminal minister was given the opportunity to redeem his merits. The criminal minister should be dead and repay the grace with his life."
  Xiao Ding kept looking at him with a smile, and when he finished speaking, he couldn't help shaking his head: "...I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it. "
  Chen Zeming couldn't help being surprised, Xiao Ding leaned forward and looked at him deeply, "I let you see those memorials. The purpose of this memorial is-at this moment, the country is in danger, you should fight for the country, then no matter how many dark arrows you have behind you from now on. , I, I should stop you one by one!"
  Chen Zeming looked at him in shock, standing still for a long time, unable to say a word.
  Xiao Ding straightened up and leaned back into the seat, and at the same time spread a kind smile.

The author has something to say: 

I'm running out of time, I'll talk about it next time, thank you for leaving a message~~

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