2: Great Day To be Alive, Eh Sweetheart?

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"You're not a bartender so you shouldn't be behind the counter." Y/n informed sternly before retreating her knife back to its place, lifting her skirt a bit to put it back

Unknowingly to her, he took a glimpse as she did so.

"Unless... are you the new waitress that was supposed to come in today?" She added with a smirk, crossing her arms over her stomach.

That causes the male to laugh, "Awe, Come on now sweetheart. Is that how you treat a VIP?" The brunet wore a smug look on his face, crossing his arms

Y/n snorts at his claim, "Nothing about you screams VIP."

He winces and turns his head, "That hurt." he placed a hand over his chest, "Tell me your name sweetheart."

"Nah." Y/n shook her head, "You gotta earn that."

The man steps closer, leaning in a bit. His brown eyes wonder about her body.

She gulped as he did, feeling suddenly self conscious. Hoping on some level that he'd like what he'd see.

Nonetheless the h/c haired girl stood her ground.

He inhales sharply before smiling whilst looking into her pretty e/c eyes, "I like you."

"Wish I could say the feeling's mutual."

He chuckles as he towers over her, causing her to look up at him more than she already had to.

"Am I allowed to make personal requests?"

The girl furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden question, "Um, I think so." Y/n trailed off.

"I want you at my table."

"I'm working idiot." she folded her arms, dropping her weight on right leg.

"Wait my table then, then you'd be working and with me."

Y/n gave him a wicked smile before shaking her head, "Unfortunately for you, I'm reserved for a table in about 15 minutes."

The brun licked his bottom lip, looking down on her with half lidded eyes.

Okay but why that kind of hot?

"Which table?"

"Table number none of your business."

"Come on sweetheart." he pouted playfully, his hair fell in front of his face as he did so, "You're being awfully mean to me."

The girl took it into consideration and saw no harm in it. She sighed and looked to her side, averting her eyesight somewhere else.

"Table 13." she mumbled.

"Sorry but you gotta speak up for me." The dude grinned as he placed his pointer finger behind his ear lobe.

"Table 13 asshat." she spoke louder, narrowing her eyes at the male before her.

He was so annoying but so fun to talk to. Y/n was always a fan of banter.

"I'm so glad we're both on a nickname basis now sweetheart~" he cooed.

Suddenly, a guy in a suit approached the counter and tapped the brown haired male's shoulder.

The male turned his head slightly to look at the man in the suit with side eyes and growled, "Can't you see I'm busy?"

Again, why was that attractive?

"My apologies sir, you're needed at your table." his voice was strong and firm. Like how a man would respond to his general in the army.

"Tell him I said to wait, I'm busy right now." The brunet turned his face fully to meet the eyes of the male in the suit, doing so showed Y/n his sharp jawline.

Heat immediately rushed to her cheeks.

"Sir, it's about tomorrow."

"Fuck," he whispered but not soft enough for it to be missed by the female, "Alright, Alright. I'm coming."

The man waved the guy in suit off, making him walk away.

The man, whose name she had yet to learn, turned his attention back to her.

"'Sir?'" Y/n quoted the name for him given by the man mere seconds ago, "What? You in the mafia or something?"


Silence stirs for a few seconds, they both stared at each other until Y/n suddenly laughed, her eyes brimming with tears.

She sniffled and wiped her eyes, "I actually thought you were serious." Y/n brushed her hair back and sighed, "Well, goodbye stranger."

"'Goodbye?'" He raised an eyebrow, "Oh sweetheart I'll see you real soon. I mean like...real soon."

Y/n narrowed her eyes at him, "I wouldn't see you again for the rest of my life so I wouldn't hold my breath."

"I'll take you up on that." he winked, "See you soon sweetheart~" he purred as he walked away.

Y/n soon lost sight of him in the crowd and sighed after.

Maybe it's for the best that I don't see him again

Y/n had about five minutes until she had to wait the table Parker's boyfriend would be at.

Focusing back to her work, Y/n waited a few tables and made some drinks. She had seen enough half naked women for one day and just wanted to go home.

The time sat at 10:30 P.M.

Hour and a half? I can get through that

"They're ready at table 13, Y/n. It's all yours," some waitress informed her.

The girl nodded and headed over to the base of the stairs to go up to the VIP balcony. The bouncer allowed the h/c haired female to enter.

When she reached the top there no one else was around so she assumed the people who occupied table 13 rented out the VIP balcony.

She immediately spotted Parker who squealed when they made eye contact.

She hopped off from the table and ran towards her to hug the h/c girl.

"Are you ready?" Parker grinned, "He may look scary but." she trailed off.


"But nothing. He's looks scary. He'll warm up when he gets to know you."

"You're really excited, aren't you?" Y/n giggled

"Of course I am!" She jumped, "Now let's go."

Parker held her friend's hand in hers as the ginger female led her to the table

From afar, she could count 5 people sitting around the table. Once she reached close enough to see the faces, her eyebrows shot up instantly.

The surprise turned into a glare as she narrowed her eyes at the familiar brown haired male.

He smirked upon seeing her and leaned back more, he draped his both arms around the back of the seat.

"Can I breathe now sweetheart?"

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