8: You're Lucky When I'm Supposed To Hate You And Can't Bring Myself To Do So

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"What the hell happened to you?!"

Y/n grabbed the male's wrist and pulled him in her apartment, closing the door right after.

Matt had a busted lip, black eye and bruises that were shades of purple and black.

He had scratches along his cheek, his rolled up sleeves allowed the girl to see the scratches and bruises there too.

Matt nervously laughed, "Just a little fight. No big deal, yeah?"

"Are you actually saying these words?" Y/n waved her hands around whilst glaring at the brown haired male.

"It's no biggie." Matt ran a hand through his messy hair, "I'm alive so."

"Not for long if you keep talking." Y/n took a hold of his hand and pulled him gently to the bathroom.

"Sit." she ordered whilst patting on the counter near the sink.

Without questioning he did.

Y/n lifted his shirt up a bit and saw a bruise. It was the least brutal one he had.

But boy was she wrong.

"Take off the shirt."

"Yes ma'am."

Y/n smiled a bit whilst shaking her head. She reached up to the glass cabinet, her shirt lifting up as she did so, and took the first aid kit out.

Once she was faced with male again she furrowed her eyebrows, "Why's your face all red?"

"You're...uh, You're not wearing any shorts." he nervously cleared his throat, "Not that I am complaining."

The girl jabbed a finger in his bruise on his arm.

"Fuck, Y/n!" He wailed in pain, "I'm sorry!"

When she retracted her finger, Matt lift up his shirt. He grunted as he did so.

Y/n slapped a hand over her mouth when she saw his stomach was actually the worst bruised that she had seen on is body.

"Oh my God, did you fight a sumo wrestler?"

"You should see the other guys." Matt laughed.

"Mhm, yeah okay tough guy."

The first thing she did was carefully clean his cuts along his arm, putting Band-Aids on the serious and deep ones.

Y/n quickly went into the freezer to get an ice pack and gently placed it on his stomach.

The h/c haired girl took one of his hands to hold the ice pack in place so she could continue to his face.

"Why were you mad earlier?"

Exhaling sharply, Y/n decided to tell him because it seemed like he wasn't going to let it go, "It's just you left and I hadn't seen or heard from you in a while."

Y/n carried on like it was nothing, giving him a shrug, "I just thought you were gone for good."

Matt was silent, heart melting at the thought of Y/n looking forward to his presence, "You can't get rid of me so easily sweetheart, the only way I'll ever leave is if you tell me to."

Y/n smiled and nodded.

Matt looked at the way she treated him with care, like she was afraid to hurt him.

He looked at her with awe as she did what she had too, the way the girl looked so damn beautiful whilst doing so.

With Y/n now focusing on his face, she wiped the blood from the cuts carefully.

Play With Fire \\Matt x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now