12: Sticks And Stones May Break Your Bones But He'll Break Them First

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She was about to hit whoever it was but saw the red and black stripes covering the arms which made her smile.

Matt reached for the gun in one of Y/n's hands when he spoke, "Can I borrow this sweetheart?"

Y/n slowly nodded as he took it.

Matt placed a kiss on the girl's temple which made a blush form on her cheeks.

One of the men cleared their throat and spoke, "S-Sorry Sir, we...we didn't know-"

"Shut the fuck up." Matt growled with a hand still around Y/n, "Pointing a gun at a lady isn't gentlemanly, wouldn't you agree?"

The two men nodded.

To the girl's displeasure, Matt let go and stood beside her.

The brown haired male smiled while he looked down at her, "Can you give me other one sweetheart?"

Y/n snapped out her thoughts and handed him the gun.

"Good girl." he added.

Matt tucked the one of the guns under the band of his jeans while he popped the clip out of the other, inspecting how many bullets it had.

He hummed in satisfaction as he slid it back it without even looking.

Y/n eyes widen at the attractive sight she was seeing.

"Cover your ears." he demanded more like. She obeyed anyway.

The brunet took the hand the guy grabbed Y/n with and shot him there. The man wailed in pain as he clutched his hand.

Matt then shot the other guy in his foot.

"Disrespect her again and the next bullet goes through your head. Do I make myself clear?"

Both of the men didn't respond as they rolled on the floor in pain.

Matt rolled his brown eyes at the sight, "What a bunch of wusses." he mumbled, "Monty! Take care of these two idiots please."

Y/n stood in shock at everything that just happened.

A hand cups her cheek and guides her to face up, "You okay?"

Y/n gulped and nodded.

"I didn't scare ya, did I?" He asked genuinely.

Y/n shook her head.

"Then why aren't you talking?"

Y/n shrugged causing Matt to chuckle. He placed a hand on the small of her back and ushered her to a back room that was smaller than the main area that only had two couches.

He sat on the arm of the sofa and just stared.

"What?" She finally spoke.

"You look beautiful." Matt said licking his bottom lip, " Did you have me in mind when you bought that?~" he purred

Y/n scoffed with a blush on her cheeks yet again, "Don't flatter yourself."

"God." he whispered lowly to himself "How bout you give me a little spin, hm?"

She shook her head with a small smile etching on her face, "You gotta earn that."

Matt immediately got up as soon as the last word left her mouth and approached her, Y/n was startled by his sudden movement

The male stood close to her, putting a hand on her waist, bringing her closer till they had little space between them.

Matt brushed a strand of her hair back and gazed at her features.

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