23: My Family Made Me Hate The Idea Of Having One; With Him, It's Not So Bad

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Author's note: I forgot to upload this chapter like an idiot

The trio arrived at the airport, the entire time Y/n's heart pounded in her chest.

She was everything but excited to see those two in America

Both neglecting mother and father but unlike her father, her mother at least had a heart.

Y/n wondered what they would say, how they would react, what they'll do, what they have to talk about.

"You're doing it again."

The voice snapped the female out of her thoughts and she looked to her side to see her loving boyfriend with a smile.

"You'll be okay. I promise." With a kiss on her forehead, Matt dragged the carry on luggage as the rest of the luggage were already placed on the conveyer belt.

With Mia on her hip who was asleep since it was 4 in the morning, they walked to the metal detectors.

Matt was instructed to put all the bags on the belt that carries the luggage through a xray.

Everything was going fine until they reached Matt's bag.

Y/n eyes widen at the screen which showed the xray of the bag.

She recognized the familiar shape on the screen.

"You brought your *bong?!" The female whisper shouted.

He nervously laughed, "Yes and No." He wasn't nervous about the police currently checking his bags but the angry female next to him

The security officer that was going through Matt's bag when they pulled put a bottle of lotion that took the shape of a bong.

"My apologize, sir." The officer said to Matt.

"Dont stress about it," Matt grinned, "You're just doing your job."

With their luggage now on the other side of the metal detector waiting for them, the three walked through with ease and Matt regained his hold on their carry ons.

Whilst they waited for the time to board the plane which would be in about 10 minutes, Y/n nudged Matt lightly.

"Where is it?"

Matt knew she was talking about the bong and slightly smiled, "It's in the same bag in a hidden compartment."

"I have Mia with me you idiot!" She whisper shouted, "You really want her to see you leave here in handcuffs?"

"You worry too much, sweetheart." He said, "I've been doing that for years now. Wouldn't have done it if there was a possibility of me getting caught."

With a sigh, she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Come on." The brunet coaxed, "Lighten up, baby."

"I don't wanna go." She mumbled then looked to Mia who slept against her side, "But she does."

"They have nothing on you," Matt assured, "You're doing fine without them, right? Don't let them make you feel any less."

With a small smile, Y/n kissed Matt gently with a hand on his chest and pulled away, "Thank you."

"I got you sweetheart." Matt said softly, wrapping a hand around her shoulder, "I got you."

The two sat in silence for the duration of their wait.

"All boarding flight 12 please approach gate 24. The flight will be taking off soon."

With that as their cue, they stood and gathered their things.

Matt held Mia, gently setting her at his side as his hand held all the carry ons.

Through the crowds of people buzzing up and down, Y/n was able to spot their respective gate and joined the line

Y/n sorted out their boarding pass and handed it to the attendant collecting the passes.

When the attendant eyes laid on the trio she lightly squealed, making Y/n raise a brow.

"You guys are the most adorable family I've ever seen." She cooed whilst looking at them

Y/n looked to her side at Matt who slightly rocked side to side to keep Mia asleep, looking at the little girl lovingly as a smile tugged on his lips.

The female smiled at the sight as it warmed her heart to see

"Thank you." Y/n said with a nod. The attendant ripped along the dotted line and handed the h/c haired girl the smaller pieces of paper.

The plane had three seats together in rows and columns.

Upon boarding, the first thing Matt did was sit Mia down on her seat near the window and immediately buckled her in.

The girl slightly stirred in her sleep but was out cold anyway.

Matt grunted as he placed the carry ons on the overhead space.

Y/n sat next to Mia, in the middle with a heavy sigh.

Matt joined her, him being seated near the aisle.

Y/n couldn't keep still, always fidgeting with her finger that the brunet obviously picked up on.

He slid his hand into hers to stop her, with a tight squeeze she held his hand.

Matt placed his free hand on the girl's cheek and directed it to lay on his shoulder.

"Sleep, baby."

The male put on a movie for his girl to watch, to at least ease her frantic mind while she tried to fall sleep.

Her head trailed from his shoulder to his chest.

Upon hearing his heart beat, it always seemed to do the trick and lull her to sleep.

The slight thumping of his heart doing its job, its steady beat that seems to quicken whenever Y/n snuggled more into him calmed her.

bong- a device used to smoke cannabis (marijuana)

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