9: If We Don't Have Trust, We Don't Have Anything

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After a quick visit from checking up on Mia as she does everyday, Y/n decided to run some errands.

She went around walking since she hardly drives and the places was close enough to where she lived anyway

Her last stop was a grocery to stock up on some items she had run out of.

Y/n picked up some things to drink, sugar, macaroni and some other items she picked up as she walked.

Whilst walking, the girl accidentally bumped into a taller figure.

"Oh I'm sor- Killy!" Y/n laughed as she recognized the male she walked into.

He had a basket in his hand with a couple items.

"Y/n." he responded, surprise dripping his tone, "What are you doing here?"

"I came her hoping to take a swim, what about you?"

Killion chuckled while shaking his head, "Funny. I mean I haven't seen you here before."

"Eh, decided to come here as it's closer." The girl shrugged.

"Might as well stay with ya." Killion said swinging an arm around the girl's shoulder.

They walked around, glancing at the aisles. Y/n stopped when she saw a box of cookies.

The female let out a breathy laugh as she picked up a box. It was the box that she was crying for the day she was drunk.

"Did the box of cookies tell you a joke? Why are you laughing?"

Y/n's head snapped up to look at Killion who was staring at her.

"No idiot, I just remembered something." Y/n waved him off as she placed the box in her basket.

She had been talking with Matt everyday since he put his number in her phone.

He checks on her everyday so when her phone buzzed in her pockets, the girl had no doubt it was him.


You ignoring me sweetheart? >:(



Hurting my feelings yet again.
You're lucky I got a soft spot for ya :3


Awe, did I hurt your big ego?

Y/n tucked her phone away and her eyes lit up when she saw the Ramen section.

"All you eat is instant noodles." Killion shook his head, "How are you even still alive?"

"Ha." Y/n scoffed , "If I were to die, it won't be from ramen. Don't insult me."

The girl's shopping was essentially done and she went to to the cashier with Killion behind her.

"Aren't you and your boyfriend checking your items together?" The cashier asked whilst picking up the first of Y/n's item to scan.

"Oh, he's not my-"

"Separate please. Thank you." Killion smiled like he just didn't cut the girl beside him off.

In no time their items were priced out and bagged, then paid for.

Killion sighed "This is where we part ways Y/n." he said when they walked out of the supermarket.

"Right. You have day shift on Saturdays, no?"

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