14: Why Die When You Can Die Inside By Watching Someone You love Suffer?

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"What can I get ya, fellas?" Y/n asked the group of men.

It's been two days since the whole fiasco with Matt and Mello. She picked up longer hours at the club in hopes of forgetting about it.

But it never worked, she even thought about leaving this club since they owned it.

That was still a decision she was thinking upon.

Parker hadn't been around either, she tried calling, texting, going to her apartment but nothing.

Y/n had been alarmed by this but figured she was with Mello somewhere and didn't want to be disturbed.

"Is that all?" The female asked once again as she got the orders, heading to the counter to let a bartender mix it up for her.

Whilst working, her mind drifted to all sorts of places, she'd feel this overwhelming sensation.

Y/n hated to admit that she missed him. Two days and it's like she was empty, something was missing from her life.

Well, rather someone.

Y/n was behind the counter mixing up a drink when she saw Matt in front of her on the opposite side of the counter, sitting on a stool.

His bright and stupid smile she missed so much.

Her breath hitched as she dropped the spoon in her hand.

Y/n snapped out of it and picked it up but when she stood back up, he wasn't there anymore.

"I'm going fucking crazy." she mumbled.

While the girl was handling a customer, the front doors of the club were harshly whipped open.

In walked Mello, heading straight to her direction.

She could be daydreaming about that too so she ignored it.

Until he spoke.


"Mello." She smiled, "What can I get ya?"

The blonde thought for a moment, "I would like." he trailed off, "For you to stop being so stubborn."

Her brows shot up, "Heh?"

"Listen Matt is-"

Y/n plugged her ears and shook her head, "Can it with that."

Mello pulled her hands away from her ears and sighed, "Y/n. I'm serious."

The girl scoffed, "So am I." she said turning around to get a bottle off the shelf, "I said I won't talk to him so I won't talk to him. I'm sticking to my word."

"Even if he's in the hospital right now fighting for his life?"

Y/n stiffened at the words, she slowly looked over her shoulder, "W-What?"

Mello sighed and hung his head down, "He got shot four times when we killed Kenny Rendall." he said, "You were right, he was waiting for us. Parker is in the hospital with him right now."

Y/n covered her mouth with her hand, "Four times?"

Mello nodded, not even looking at the girl in her eyes.

The h/c haired girl grabbed Mello's arm and dragged him out the club to his motorcycle.

Knowing exactly what she wanted, Mello hopped on with Y/n following after.

Mello drove at a fast speed, faster than usual which made the hospital come into view in less than 5 minutes.

The blonde parked and the two hopped off, the female following him to Matt's room which was on the second floor in the ICU.

Y/n saw Parker with her head in her hands on a bench outside the operating room

Once the ginger heard footsteps she looked up to see the friend and her boyfriend.

Parker stood at once with tears in her eyes, "I-I don't know what happened. They just took him in there. I thought he was doing fine."

Mello furrowed his brows, "Why would they take him into the operation room again? They took out the bullets already when he first got here." he said.

All the while the couple talked, Y/n stared at the floor. Her heart physically hurting.

Parker hugged the girl which immediately made her cry out everything she had.

If anything was to ever happen to him she had no idea how she could continue, especially when the last time they saw each other was terrible.

For two days she was going crazy when she wasn't talking to him, Y/n didn't want to think about him not being around for her entire life.

Y/n cried on Parker's shoulder whilst the girl rubbed up and down the h/c haired girl's back.

Mello sat on the bench, looking down on the floor.

Two surgeons came out of the room and pulled their surgical gloves off.

The three turned their attention to them as the spoke.

"Mail went into a sudden cardiac arrest."

It was terrible place for the surgeon that was speaking to pause at.

"But we were able to revive him. He's in a very unstable condition. The bullet wounds seems to be taking a lot out of him. You will be able to see him in about 3-4 days."

Y/n sighed out of relief and let out a breathy laugh, "Thank you." she said, "Thank you so much."

"Just doing our job ma'am." one of them said with a smile before leaving.

Parker looked a lot less stressed than when Y/n first saw her.

"I have to get to work." she said, "At least I can go knowing he'll be okay."

"I have to go as well. Got a Mafia to run and plan with."

"I'll stay."

The two looked at Y/n and Parker placed a hand on her shoulder, "Are you sure?"

She nodded slightly, "Though he's unconscious, I don't want him to be alone."

Mello smiled slightly, "We'll see you later, yeah? Call if anything happens."

"Will do."

With that, the couple left.

Y/n walked to the operating room's door and tip-toed to see through the small window on it.

There she could see Matt laying almost lifeless with a ventilator hooked up to him and all sorts of tubes.

It all looked too painful so she averted her eyes and felt her eyes welling up again.

She sat on the bench, anxiously bouncing her foot up and down with her head in her hands.

Nurses moved Matt to a hospital room on the same floor and of course she followed but she wasn't allowed to go in quite yet.

All she could do was wait outside on the bench until he was deemed okay enough to have visitors.

The female answered their stupid questions and was beginning to grow tired of correcting people who said Matt's real name wrong.

I'll be here when you wake up, Matt. I promise

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