EPILOGUE: A Fairytale Prince Is Classy; Ours Is A Badass Idiot

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~3 years later. Manhattan, New York. America.~

Y/n sat in her office chair, scribbling words endlessly on her business forms to hand up. Two stacks of paper sat on her desk.

One that needed to be filled out which was as tall from her elbow to her wrist and the other which she had done already which stood from her elbow to the tip of her fingers.

A heavy sigh left her lips as she paused for a moment, rolling her wrists around to loosen the tension before writing away again.

Ever since she had taken over her father's sales management business, it has been non stop work because she wanted it to become successful.

And boy did it.

It was a well known business that has expanded into now having multiple departments.

Once Y/n heard a knock on her office door, her eyes averted to the the door as it opened.

"How is my beautiful fiancee doing?!" Matt grinned as he walked in wearing his reserved business suit he wore for conferences only, which was where he was coming straight from.

Y/n mustered up a smile, "I'm alright."

Matt chuckled at the response which confused the girl, "You're many things, sweetheart. A terrible liar is one of them."

Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms, "I'm offended."

The brunet landed a kiss on the h/c haired girl's forehead, "You need to stop doing all this paperwork by yourself. You have your assistants doing nothing because you're doing all of the work." the male informed, snatching the ball point pen from her hands.

"You don't even have to do this." Matt chuckled amusingly as he scanned the paper on her desk, "Your job is to boss us around, not paperwork."

Y/n L/n was the boss, calling all the shots around and making sure the business ran smoothly. Mail Jeevas was the executive manager, administrating and organizing the works as well as dealing with the technical aspect of the business.

Y/n whined as she reached for her pen that her fiance held up in the air where she couldn't reach it, "This is bullying." the female huff.

"Give me a kiss and I might consider giving it back to you, boss." The male smugly grinned. Y/n pulled on his tie for him to reach her height before kissing him roughly.

With his free hand, he rested his hand on her waist to bring her closer to him. The kiss turned into more when Matt involved his tongue which Y/n allowed but after a few moments she remembered.

The female pushed him slightly and held her hand out, "Pen."

Matt laughed as he reached for the landline phone on her desk, pressing the button that allows him to talk to Y/n's personal assistant.

"Yes, Ms. L/n?" the small voice over the speaker called.

"Bonnie, darling. Can you come into the office for a minute?" Matt said in his professional voice as he looked to his confused fiancee.

"Right away, Mr. Jeevas." she said over the speaker once more. A few moments later, Bonnie knocked on the door which Matt opened for her.

"How ya doing, darling?" Matt asked as she nervously entered. Bonnie was new and was very antisocial. Matt nor Y/n scared her but the female did have pent up anxiety issues.

"I-I'm okay. Thank you, Mr. Jeevas." Bonnie had a round figure with long blonde hair, very pretty especially since she did not wear any makeup.

Y/n folded her arms and glared at the brunet, "Matt, what are y-"

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