3: Quite Frankly, Your Existence Bothers Me

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"Yes, me." the brunet smirked, "I know it's been about 10 minutes but I missed you sweetheart."

Parker furrowed her eyebrows at Y/n and the man on the seat, "You know him?"

The h/c haired girl scoffed and crossed her arms over her stomach, "Don't insult me."

"Playing hard get?" He bit his lower lip whilst nodding his head slowly, "I like that."

"I'm not playing sweetheart." Y/n couldn't help but let out a smile

"This the girl you've been babbling about, Matt?" A blonde guy asked the brunet. He nodded in response not taking his eyes off the girl.

Y/n didn't realize because she was occupied looking at the blonde that was now opening a bar of chocolate.

He wore leather everything.

Leather vest, leather pants, leather boots and a leather jacket that was draped over the back of the seat near him.

His blonde hair was bright and long, the ends brushing against the top of his shoulder. He also had bangs that would shag in front of his blue eyes when he'd tilt his head down.

There were two other guys and a female who were with them but they were too involved in each other and probably drunk off their heads to take on the interaction that was going on.

"Y/n, meet Mihael Keehl but just call him Mello." Parker introduced then whispered to her, "They prefer the nicknames."

"And you've already met Mail Jeevas AKA Matt." she added, "Guys, meet Y/n L/n."

"You're the chick Parker talks about so much." Mello deadpanned as he took a bite of his chocolate.

Y/n swings a hand around her friend and grins at her, "Parker, I'm flattered."

"Oh shut up." she grumbled in response causing Y/n to giggle.

"Well Mello. Nice to finally meet you," Y/n gave a warm smile at the man, "I'm not going to bother to tell you the whole 'I'll kill you if you hurt her' speech because I'm sure if you did Parker would kill you herself but I'd, without a doubt, help."

She girl in mention nodded in agreement to the statement.

Y/n had no idea if her eyes were deceiving her or not but she could have sworn she saw the blonde smile.

"I like this one." Mello said to Parker.

"Not more than me." Parker huffed as she strode over to Mello to sit on his lap.

"Of course not baby." Mello kissed his girlfriend causing Y/n to look away as it was getting heated.

"Get a fucking room." Matt groaned.

"I'm curious though." Y/n said, grabbing the attention of the three, "Mello, how do you know this goggle wearing idiot?"

"Childhood friends you could say." The blonde shrugged, "He's my right hand man in the mafia and the clubs we own."

Y/n eyes widen a bit, "Pardon?" Then she looked over the the brunet next to him, "So you weren't kidding when you said that."

Matt chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't tell me you own this club."

"Yes we do, Y/n sweetheart~" Matt cooed.

Walking over to Parker who sat snug on her boyfriend's lap, she tapped her head in annoyance.

"Fuck me, Y/n! You hit hard, you know?" Parker complained while rubbing her head.

"Why didn't you tell me!" She whisper shouted.

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