33: The Line Between Yelling At God And Thanking Him Is Exceptionally Thin

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Y/n slowly got off and slid to the floor as quietly as possible to pop a floorboard near her bed.

Pulling out a pistol that Matt had put there for her ages ago, she cocked it immediately.

Y/n walked to the side of her closed bedroom door, holding the gun near her head and the direction of the barrel facing the ceiling.

The female patiently waited for someone to open her bedroom door.

She heard a creak again, her heart pounded as it was major deja vu. It reminded her of when Kenny Rendall had broken into her apartment but this time there was no Matt or Mello to save her.

Her blood boiled at the sudden thought of the intruder being William.

The bedroom door opened slowly and a figure stepped in, walking past her completely.

Then when the figure walked in completely, Y/n was quick to pressing the barrel to the back to the intruder's head.

The person stopped immediately and raised their hands to show they were not armed in response.

It was too dark to see anything but a silhouette so Y/n flipped the light switch that wasn't too far out of her reach.

That didn't help really as the person had a black hooded sweatshirt on with the hood up along with a pair of jeans.

"Turn around slowly. Any movement I don't like, I'll put a bullet in your head." Y/n seeth. She certainly wasn't in the mood to deal with this, she was tired and grieving. Anyone would be a fool to fuck with her in a timing as such.

The figure started to turn around slowly with their head tilted down. The gun now pointed at the person's forehead.

Cautiously, Y/n neared closer and pulled their hood back; immediately averting back to her previous position.

When her eyes landed on the face, the girl's eyes widened.

"No fucking way." she muttered as the hand holding the gun slightly started to shake, "You're dreaming Y/n. You're dreaming." She muttered once more.

"You're not dreaming, sweetheart."

There he was. Mail fucking Jeevas right in front of her.

"Wake up, Y/n. Please." Y/n muttered again, dropping the gun and holding her head. Matt frowned at her fragile state, "Wake the fuck up!" she yelled at herself as she began crying again.

Matt neared closer when Y/n stepped back.

"Count your fingers Y/n." Matt instructed calmly in a soothing tone of voice, "In dreams you have extra fingers, right? So come on, count with me."

Matt held up one finger but Y/n wasn't all that paying attention as she cried more, terrified out of her mind.

He spoke again, "Come on, sweetheart. I need you to count with me, okay? " He held up his slender pointer finger once more, prompting her to count.

"O-one." Y/n said softly followed by a sniffle as Matt raised another, his middle finger, "Two." His ring finger was raised next, "Th-three."

"You're going great, Y/n." Matt assured as he continued whilst Y/n counted straight to 10, "See? You're not dreaming, sweetheart."

Y/n shook her head in confusion as she looked at the brunet, "I went to your funeral, Matt."

The male neared closer slowly, smiling softly at the fact she didn't flinch nor did she back away, "Did you see a body?"

Y/n eyes wavered as she averted her eyes to the wall behind him and delved into thought, "If you're here then..." she trailed off as she remembered officer Wilford telling her that William went missing around the time Matt and Mello's 'bodies' were found. Y/n gasped and covered her mouth swiftly, "I went to William's fucking funeral?!"

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