10: It Takes Strength To Love. By Loving You Announce Your Weakness To Thy Enemy

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Matt was in Parker and Mello's apartment.

Parker and Mello were in their room doing God knows what whilst Matt played his video games in the living room.

His tongue slightly poked out as he concentrated on beating the level he was head strong on beating.

Once he beat the level, he jumped up off the couch and shouted at the TV, "Haha! Fuck you!"

Parker then walked out of her shared bedroom and walked in front of the screen

"Woah woah woah." Matt whined, "What ya doing Ginger? I'm playing here."

"Mello and I are going out."

Matt eyes widened and shook his head, "No no no." he waved his finger side to side, "My game takes an hour to save my progress so you're going to wait because I'm not starting over."

"I knew you would have said that."

Parker and Matt's head turned to the voice. Mello stood at the side of them both with a chocolate bar in his hands.

"That's why you can stay."


"With supervision." Mello added with a smirk while snapping a piece of the bar with his teeth.

"Pardon?" The brun deadpanned.

Parker went to get ready when Matt took out a cigarette and lit it, immediately taking a drag.

Then three knocks were heard at the front door. Mello smiled as he stood, looking to his friend who was finishing up his smoke.

"Get that will you, Matt?"

Matt grumbled as he took another cig and lit it. Once that was done with he walked to the door and opened it.

Matt's head jerked back as he looked at the person in front of him

"Matt! Hey." Y/n smiled.

He removed the cigarette from his lips and grinned at her, "Hey sweetheart."

Something suddenly wrapped around his leg. When he quickly looked down, there was a little girl attached to him.

He quickly flicked the new cigarette into the bin that was luckily nearby.

"Hey there, princess." The male chuckled, "Didn't see you there."

"Hi, Matt." She giggled.

"Mello said something about babysitting?" Y/n recalled, running a hand through her hair.

Matt huffed as he picked up the girl that was attached to his leg and set her on his hip.

"Mello doesn't know what he's talking about." he mumbled.

"Hey sexy." Parker waved then squealed when she saw Mia, "Hi Mia." she ran towards the girl in Matt's hands.

"How's my favourite girl, huh?" She added.

"I'm good." Mia giggled at Parker as she wrapped her tiny arms around Matt's neck.

"This little one seems to be stealing Matt away Y/n." Mello said as he walked closer to the group.

Matt chuckled as he shook his head. "She'll always be my sweetheart." Matt placed Mia down and walked closer to her with a hand in his pocket, "Ain't that right?~" he purred.

Y/n blushed and shoved him, "I hope its okay that I brought her Mello, she was with me when you called."

Mello looked at the child and the child looked back at him.

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