29: Your Date Nights End Up With Champagne; Ours End In Chaos

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Upon hearing a knock on her door, Y/n groaned and trudged towards it. She rubbed her eyes to attempt to rub the sleepiness away and opened the door.

She quirked a brow in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

Matt took her coat off the hanger that was beside the door and held her hand to drag her out of her apartment complex.

"Matt, what are you doing?" She asked being skeptical of his weird behaviour.

It has been a couple days since their argument and things had been tense. Y/n was surprised Matt didn't cave in first to apologize because she was waiting on his apology to apologize.

It was Y/n's logic.

In approaching his beloved Camero, the male opened the passenger door for her before rounding to the drivers

"We're going on a date." Matt deadpanned.

"Heh?" Y/n eyes widened at his words. He was taking her on a date when they were clearly mad at each other.

The couple was silent the entire way to their destination. Y/n didn't bother to ask where they where going because she was simply too tired.

Matt pulled up at a park and hopped out, he pulled his pack of cigarettes while rounding to the passenger's side.

Y/n opened the car door to get out but Matt slammed the car door shut again. This made her roll her eyes when he opened the door for her himself.

Though she might have looked annoyed, she was internally melting at the fact that he was willing to do all this while clearly being mad at her.

After he locked his car, he offered his girl a cig in which she declined.

After sparking up his smoke, Matt held her hand without saying a word.

Not even a glance was spared which made her frown. Deciding on sucking it up Y/n signed, "Matt." She called softly.

He hummed in response as they followed the trail in the park. They were surrounded by happy children playing and running up and down and a lot of trees that blossomed the most beautiful flowers in abundance.

As the wind blew, some leaves fell off the tress and unto the couple below.

"I'm sorry." Y/n said with her head down, looking at her feet as they walked, "You were right. I failed to carry Mia anywhere and I'll change that. You have to understand that I raised Mia and I'm just terrified of losing her."


"Please let me finish." She interrupted, "I trust you more than anything and I know you won't let anything happen to her, I shouldn't have doubted you. I didn't even take time to consider it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I make you feel that you have do everything I say-"

Y/n was interrupted by a pair of lips on her own. It was sweet and passionate.

One of Matt's hands were at the back of her head, pressing her more into him while the other rested on her waist.

She could taste the cigarette he smoked a few minutes prior off his lips.

Matt had gathered the self control to pull away, "I don't blame you for being concerned about someone you love, Y/n. "

Lovingly, he brushed her hair back and held her face in his hands, "I guess the only reason I pushed so hard was because I didn't want to disappoint her."

Y/n laughed amusingly and shook her head in disbelief, "Mail, you idiot." She said, "You know you could never do that. Mia looks up to you."

The girl nervously laughed and looked to his chest since she couldn't really look away because of his hold on her, "And maybe I do too."

This caused Matt to jerk his head back in surprise, "Y-You do?"

"Yeah. I mean, you're always patient with me and you take care of a kid that's not even yours." Y/n listed, "You don't run away from your problems and responsibilities. I admire you for that."

Matt roughly kissed her, delving past her lips to get to her tongue.

Though Y/n wanted to make out in the park with the brunet, there were still kids around but Y/n didn't have to pull away because Matt did.

With a low and serious tone of voice he spoke, "I'm gonna marry you some day."

This caused the girl to choke on practically nothing at the male's sudden words that had no hint of his usual playfulness.

Matt held Y/n's hand and continued walking onto the trail, ignoring the fact he single handily just made her a stuttering and flustered mess

The two interacted in conversation like their dispute never even happened. The tension was now dropped and the two was their old selves again now that they had each other once more and were on good terms.

Y/n wrapped her arms around his right arm as they walked, making Matt melt at the clinginess.

As though the female sensed that something was off, she looked around with quirked brow.

As she saw nothing, Y/n shook it off tuned back into the conversation with Matt.

That was until the feeling came back and this time the girl didn't shake it off.

Y/n pulled on the striped sleeve of her boyfriend which caused him to avert his eyes to her figure.

Like hers, his brows were also furrowed but his reason was because of Y/n looking around at her surroundings a bit frantically.

"Matt, I want to leave. Something's not right, I can feel it."

Without questioning, Matt held onto her hand and took a shortcut back to the car park.

When the Camero came into the couple's view, Y/n felt relieved that nothing bad happened and they can soon leave.

However that was not the case.

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